29 July, 17 40. The 1 Aug. being the A~sizes, we appoint tho first 'V ellnesday nfter for the Conservation of the Hiver, nnJ to solemnilo the great events that hap- pened that tlay, that .£1:! lJe cxpendcll on an entertainment. -f" Pre~ent-llr. !\Iayor, Mr. Hecorder; Ahll!n. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, IIulcat, DalJwin; Sher. Terry and I•hillips; Mr. Carro, Browne, anJ I)icrsey. !J A tt!J., 17 40. Neither of the Sheriff~ appearing, tlid not 1,roceed to business. - lloLt. lloarc, Clk. of Council Present- ~[r. l\Iayor, lir. I:ecortler; AIJcn. Dennett, 1\lillenl, Austin, IIulcat, Fuller, Jackson; llr. Carre, Dring, Browne, I•iersey, null \V 10 • Lnno, c. s. 2£; Sep., 1740. Ordered, that Geo. Atkins, brother to AI•I. Atkins; Gccll"~e, snn of .John Newcuham; 'Villiam, having served his father, Thos. Fuller; Hcvd. Thos., clclcst son of AIJ. l\Iillertl; Hichtl. Hare, having served \V•. Hare; .Joshu:L Nun, mcrcht., paying 5 guineas; l\Iark Draper, mercht., having servecl \Vrn. Sleigh, mercht. ; llenj. ""itherall, cloathier, paying 5 bFllincas, Lo w.huittccl free at large. That Mr. lleconler draw up a Memorial to Government for a BUI•l'lY of half-pence. Presont-:\Ir. ~[1yor, llr. llec•>rtler; .Al•l~ 0 • Dennett, Atkinq, Austin, Millertl, Ilaldwiu; two ShcriJf:~; llr. C.1rre, Browne, I,icrscy, and Drinti. 1 Oct., 174o0. That Geoi"JC Terry, ba,ping served Sher. Terry; Uobt. Dclacourt, mercht., having served llr. Peter Cossart; John Lucas, mercht., having served lfr. James Piercey; Arthur Conran, mercht., having servecl :P.Ir. Aug. Carro; llenry nugg, having scrvetl AruLy Longfield and Dan•. Knight, be admitted free at larJe. That .£9 l2s. be paid Ald. floV. Atkins for 12 barrels of ale, which 1Jy the l\Iayor•s ortler he supplied the Army on his Maj. birth-day. 76- 2
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