Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That :1\!r. Thomas Croker and Mr. Hugh Lawton be admitted free at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Millerd, Croker' Jackson, Farren ; Sher. Terry; 1\!r. 1\forrisson, Carre, Browne, Piersey (postea), Ald. Baldwin. 29 May, 1740. That 238 Barrels of New England flour, now in the custody of Mr. Abraham Morris, be bought from him at 17s. the hundredweight, to supply the market, under the direction of the Mayor. That 300 Kilderkins of Philadelphia wheat, now in the custody of Messrs. Calwell, Lawton, and Carleton be bought from them at the rate of £1 8s. 2d. the kilderkin, each kilderkin to weigh two hundred and a half, to supply the market under the conduct of the Mayor. That the Chamberlain pay Mr. Abrahm. Morris and Messrs. Calwell, Law- ton, and Carleton for said flour and wheat, at the prices above mentioned. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Croker, Jackson, Baldwin; Sher. Terry and Phillips; Mr. Carre, Browne, and Piersey. 7 June, 1740. That 600 Barrels of flour, now in the hands of Messrs. Sleigh and Eburn, be bought at 17 s. per hundred, to supply the market, under the direction of the Mayor. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder ; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Huleat, Croker, Fuller; Sher. Terry; Mr. Browne and Piersey. 11 June, 1740. That 1,000 Barrels of New England wheat, each weighing 2 hundred and a half, now in the hands of Messrs. Sleigh and Eburne, be bought at the rate of 30s. :per barrel, to supply the market, under the direction of Mr. Mayor. Present-Mr. Mayor, :1\Ir. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Croker, Fuller, Jackson; Sher. Terry and Phillips ; Mr. Carre, Owgan, and Browne.

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