1\Ir. Aug. Carre h::nring 300 kilJerkin!J of English wheat, antl wo npprl•- \. henuing a scarcity, ortlereJ, that llr. Carre Le paid for said wheat at tlw rate of 28s. a kiltlerkin, saiJ kiltlerkin to weigh two huuureJ and half, to be delivered by said Carre to the Mayor. That Mr. Carre write to his cotTC~poudent in F.nglantl on Lehalf of thil'\ Corporation, for a car-Ju of 100 or 150 tuns of oati, to he sent here with all convenient despatch. Present-Yr. Mayor, Mr. fleconler ; AIJ~"'. Benudt, Austin, Croker, Fuller, BalJwin; Sher. Terry; Mr. llorri:iiou, C.lrre, t•il~rsey, U. l>riug and C. S. 19 Ma.y, 17-10. That John Croker's bill of Cost, from ltj Dec., 17~H~. to this Jay, £42 ls. 9d., be paiJ him. That 19s. 4id. be paiu AlJ. Farren, having paid same to .Jas. Supell for the leather pipes of the fire-engine. '\Vhereas UoLt. lloare waCJ orJcretl to uraw n hill on llr. John Croker fur £100, which he received from the executor:. of Silvc:itcr Cros:i, a lt•gacy ld"t Ly him to the Dlue Coat llo3pital, ortlercJ, that Hoare pay Haiti sum to tho Chan1Lerlain anu take his receipt for same. That the Chamberlain call upon .Ald. .Austin aull llr. John .:\lannscll fur the interest of .£925 in their haUtl:i lx.-longiu;.; to the Illuo <:oat Hospital. There having heen several ortlcrs appointing per:ton~ to settle the Cham- berlain's auu all other puLlic ot6ct•r3' accounb, hut there hdng no rc•port, we appoint Mr. Sher. Terry anc.l Phillip"J, llr. Au~. Carre, ancl llr. Tho~. Browne to settle sa.iJ account~, aUtl tlc~ire that four }'ersons of the Cum- mons be chosen with the afore:iaid persons for that purpose. Present--Yr. Mayor, Mr. I:ccortler; .AIJn. Bennett, lliller.l, Croker, Fanen, Baldwin; Sher. Terry nne] Phillips; llr. Carre, Brown, l,icnmy, and Fuller, C. S. 24 Mav, 1740. That 10<\,rrings be pro\ided for His Excellency Henry Boyle, EsCJ., one of the Lords Justices, anJ that an Entertainment be provided for his Excel- lency at the Council Chamber, to be provided by Sam•. Croker, E.~ .• and the two Sheriffs.
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