5 ltlay, 1740. That Tiohert, younger son of Robert Eason Cooper; Charles Dawson, mcrcht., having served James Calwell; lfr. James Hartnett, an inhabitant of this City above 30 years; :l.Ir. Henry Maunix paying £30 ; Palms Wes- tropp, mercht., having served Messrs. Phineas Bury and Pillndal 'Vestrop; Hichd. Hungerford, mercht., having served James Crooke; Mr. Aug. Carre, having served lfr. Jacob Saull; Joseph Devonshire, mercht., having served Tho 5 • Devonshire; George Armstrong, mercht., having served lfessrs. Vans- evenhoven, .Armistead and Armstrong; Thomas Taylor, mercht., having served lfr. Robt. Armstrong; Quintine Osburne, mercht., having served lfark Goddard, mercht.; Joseph Abell, having served Joshua Wight; Edward Creed, having served Francis .Austen; J ohu Skilton, Sugar-boiler, having served Joseph Fenn; :l.Iathew Deane, Esq., one of the representa- tives of this City; Francis Price, having served John Richards, dec., be admitted free at large. Whereas an order was made 12 April, 1738, with respect to making Honorary Freemen and which was to continue for two years, as said order is found to be a most wholesome and good order ; agreed, that it be con- tinued in every article and part for seven years from this day. Present--Mr. lfayor, the Recorder; .Alden. Hawkins, Austin, Croker, Huleat, Fuller, Jackson, Baldwin; Sheriff Phillips; :l.Ir. Carre, Owgan, Browne, C. S., .Ald. Bennett, and Sher. Terry. Mem. A Summons for 15 May, at 5 o'clock; at half-after 6 there ap- peared but eight.-Uob. Hoare, C. C. Present -:l.Ir. :l.Iayor, :l.Ir. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Croker, Fuller, Jackson, Farren ; lfr. Carre, and Fuller, C. S. 17 May, 1740. That £11 6s. &l. be paid John Ewers for drink and bread supplied the Main Guard during the time of the late tumults ~nd riots in this City. That 168. 10d. be paid Jas. Healy for drink for the North Guard, on like OCC3.SlOn. That .£1 38. 4d. be paid ".,.m. "nittecar for bread and drink for the South Gu~, on like occasion.
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