Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

:uns. RICIL\UDS EltECT SI.IP DETWJ:l:~ Cl"ST0:\1 110. GATE AXD HALF ~100~ ST. 5GU

to 1Juild a slip on the Xorth Ea.~t Quay, ht·tWL'Cil the Custom House•, and llalf :\loon ~tred, orderetl, that _.\l.t•·ra. Kuapp, llawkiu~ ••Jackson, anti ~Ir. Aug. Carre Yiew :mitl tptay awl n·purt wlaethcr t•recting 1meh slip would Le without prl·jwlice to the ri\·er or auuoyauce to the lulmbitaut:i. I,resent-::\Ir. ::\fayor; .s\l,}c.:n. Ha wkiu-;, gl'lllll'lt, ::\IillL•rtl, II ull'at, Crokt•r, }'uller, Jack:;ou, .Farren; :-;her. Terry; llr. Carre, Vriug, l'ic1·:-;cy, and }'ullcr, v. s. ?tlem. A Council snm. to meet 2:; ..\pril at 4 o'clock, waitctl till n. ttuarter u.ftcr G o'clock, tli•l not proceed tu Lu-;iuess fur waut of sutlicieut Iuember:;. I,reseut-::\Ir. .:\fayor, I:ec•mler; Altl•·n. llawkius, Huleat, Croker, Jackson; Sher. Teny allll l'hillip:;; ~Ir. John ~Iorrisou and Tho:;. llrowue. 1 1llay, 1740. That directions Lc immetlia.tely lient to .:\Ir.•John Croker to pro~ecute tho suit of thi:; Cort'oration agaiust Lon! Barrymore'~ " ..cir:;, to have it l1rought tlown to tryal a:; soon as way l1e. That lirs. ::\Iary BroWlH', witl•low of Al•l. Tlw. Urowue, Apothecary, de(\, Le }laitl a pl!Usion of £20 yearly. That :\II'~. (:race J:icl&:ll'tl:-4 han! lean! to t•r•·ct a l'llip hdween the Custom ]louse Gate awl Half lfoon ~tl't't.'l on tlw Xorth East llarsh, Al•l. Hawkin:-J awl Jaekson having reporte•l tltat ~uch lilip will not ),,~ pr..jllclidal to tho navigation or inhahit:mt..;, ]'rovitlecl saitl Mlip t->hall not t•xcectl ten ft·ct in Lreatlth, auJ that saiJ U. l:iclmrtl::J give good security that she will kee}J it . . 111 repmr. The C. S. has rt•portetl to thi:-; t'ouncil, that 'tis the rctpwMt of the V. I>. J[. that there shoul•l he an or•ll·r to admit Emanud, son of Aiel. C:eo. .Fuller, aml Lrothcr of the I,resl'llt ~layor, a freeman at laroJe. OrJerctl, that }lr. Emmanuel Fuller Lc a•lmittl'tl. That £7 he paitl to HoLt. Powell for two 1•air of large Copper Scales, sundry Lras~ weights umlJ'cwter measures, auJ for a large lanthoru for tho Exchange. That .£18 1 Ds. ~d. be paiJ llr. llussell \VooJ for Law Lusiness. Pre~ent-llr. llayor, llr. I!ecortler; .UJcn. Jiawkins, Bennett, IIuleat, Croker, }..uller, J•1ckson, Caldwin; Sheriff Terry anJ l'hillips; Mr. llorris- son, Owgan, Browne, anJ C. S •

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