Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


11 lt!a?·ch, 1739. Whereas there has been of late a great scarcity of Barley, Oats, and Meal in the l\farket, which has occasioned a great price, and in order to supply the l\farket and prevent the l\Ieal men from rising .the price, and as Mr. Mayor has at present about 3000 kihlerkins of kiln-dried Barley, which he offered to sell the Corporation at 6s. 4d. for every one hundred, one quarter, and fourteen pounds weight, ordered, that the Chamberlain pay l\1r. l\1ayor for said 3000 kilderkins, to be delivered out by Mr. Mayor, Ald. Baldwin, and l\1r. Rout. Armstrong, or they may convert part of it into meal, and said gentlemen shall be accountable to the Corporation for what they make of said barley and meal, and as 1\Ir. Rout. Travers has 1000 kildcrkins of kiln-dried Barley, which he offers at like terms, ordered, that he be paid for same at same rate, to be delivered out by R. Travers, H. Millerd, and l\Ir. Luke Grant, to be converted by them into meal, they to be accountable to the Corporation. Present--1\Ir. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Al<J.en. Hawkins, Dennett, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Jackson ; l\Ir. Sher. Terry ; M.r. Morrison, Carre, Browne, and Piersey. 12 March, 1739. That Mr. Mayor issue a Proclamation promising £5 to any person who { shall prosecute and convict any person who may molest the country people !. bringing their Corn, Potatoes, or other Provisions to this City. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder ; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Millerd, Jackson, Baldwin ; Sher. Terry and Phillips ; Mr. Carre, Travers, Dring, Browne, and Piersy. 16 ltfarch, 1739. 1\-Iem. There was no order made at this meeting.-Robt. Hoare, Clk. of Col. Present-l\Ir. 1\Iayor, Recorder; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Millerd, Huleat, Croker, Jackson, Baldwin ; Sher. Terry and l~lllllips; Mr. Carre, Owgan, Dring, Browne, Piersey, and Fuller, C. S. 14 Ap1·il, 1740. Whereas Mrs. Grace Richards has petitioned this Corporation for leave

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