15 Feb., 1 i:19. That £30 he pn.iJ llr. Tius~eJl 'Vood, trouble in attending the House oC Commons in }"'orstcr':i petition. Abrrecd between .:\Ir. Caleb Falkincr ancl the :\[ayor, &e., that Falkim·r set his two yn.rtl:J atul linncy:i on I hmscoml,'~ .Mar~h for one year, for .£:.!5 rent. Provided, if saitl Falkiner meantime St!t Haiti yards, &e., to builtl un, he may get possession, fir:;t ~iving a month'~ notice to the :\Iaror. That Ald. Newman l>e }'aid .£:.!0 fur attending tho Ilouse of Commons on Fo~ter's J>etition. That John 'Vrixon, having served .:\Ir. ""'altt•r J..a.vite; Iticlaat'tl Airn.y, having served Mr. 1 1 hiuca..i Bagwell; :\Ir. J unas l\Iurris, having served l\lr. 'Vm. Sleigh, be athnittetl free at large. That John .Allen, Clothier, lJC atlmitted freo nt larcJC, }'ayin~ 5 poutltls., Present-Yr. :Mayor, llr. I:eccmler; Altl...". Bl·unett, Atkins, AuMtin, Croker, Jackson, Newman; Hher. Terry; lir. CmTc, Travers, Hring, Hruw1w, Piersey, and C. S. Mem. A Council sum. for 21 inst., there nppenretl : Mr.l\Iayor, HecorJer; Alden. Hawkins, lleunett, Atkins, Croker, .JackfoJOn, Baldwin, and l\Ir. l)icrsey. (j Jlcuclt, 1 i39. That the present 1\Iayor's Snllary llC au;.,rtuentecl .£1 ~5. That £10 14s. be paitl 1\Ir. Hartling Parker, cx}'enso 1n nttcruling tlw House of Commons on .Forster's petition. '\Vhercas Chri~topher Carleton nwl l Ioratio Townsend, Es11r., late Sheriff.-t of this City, com}'Jaineu to us that their accounts nro stopped in some of the offices of the Exchequer in Hul,]in, on }'retence that the City is not entitled to the fines estrcateJ in the Tholiel Court, which \Ve apprehend are by Charter brranh.. >tl to this City, nml have hcen always allowed, ordered, that llr. John Croker, the City .Agent, do complain to the Court of };x- cbequer and take care of this aftair, and that be have the Charter of this City, on his rec~ipt to return same, to show the Citic's right to said fines. Present-Mr. Mayor, n~conler; Alucn. Ilawkins, Dennett, Atkins, Millerd, Fuller, Croker, Jackson ; Sher. Terry and l'hillips ; Mr. Owgan, Dring, Browne, Piersey, and C. S.
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