supply the market, said gentlemen to be accountable for such sum as said meal shall produce. That Mr. Thos. Wood be paid £5 12s.,. one year's rent for Guard Room and Candles, ending 29 Sep. last. That Mr. Hoare draw a bill on Mr. Croker for £100, which said Croker received from the executor of Mr. Silvester Cross, a legacy left by said Cross to the Blue Coat Hospital Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Croker, Baldwin; Sher. Terry and Phillips ; Mr. Carn~e, Dring, Browne, Piersey and Fuller, C. S. 30 Jan. 1739. Robert Hoare, Ulk. of the Council, was this day sworn to secrecy in the same manner the Council Men swear, at his own request, it being omitted to be entred that he was sworn at the time he came into office. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Millerd, Austin, Croker; Sher. Terry and Phillips; Mr. Carre, Owgan, Dring, Browne, Piersey and Fuller, C. S. 11 Feb., 1739-40. That the Chamberlain pay the Minister and Church Wardens of Christ Church £20. • The Minister and Church Wardens of S. Peter's £15, The Minister and Church Wardens of S. Paul's 10, The Minister and Church Wardens of S. Mary Shandon, 35, The Minister and Church Wardens of S. Nicolas 20, to be by them distributed to the several poor housekeepers in their several Parishes, and that the Minister and Church Wardens of S. Nicolas make their distribution to all the poor house keepers of the South Suburbs, those of the Parish of S. Fin Barry's only excepted, and the Ministers, &c., of the several parishes are to take to their aid in distributing the several gentle- men in their parishes that made collections for the poor. Present-.Mr. Mayor, Recorder; .Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, Croker, Jackson, Baldwin ; Sher. Terry ; Mr. Dring, Travers, Browne, Piercy and c. s.
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