Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



1 7 Ja, n., 1 'i 3 !l. The case tlrawn hy the "fl£>cor.lcr in relation to the Pl'titi•m btcly pn•ft•rrt•tl to the I louse of Commons in the name of ~T l'rcmiah For:iter },y hi:; Lrutlll'r John, was this tiay apl'roveJ of. Present-lir. liayor, lir. Tieeortler; ..Altll·n. Hawkiu~. lh•nndt, ..Atkin~, 1\Iillenl, Croker, Dahlwin, Sher. Terry and Phillip~; .Mr. l'an·t~, Travers, Dring, }>iersy, anti Fuller, l'. :-4. 19 Jtol., t;:;!l. That ahout 800 kiltlerkius of oat:i coutral'le•l by :\I r. Pit·r~t:·y to lH.! dt·lin•retl hy ~Ir ..Mathias Smith at ~~~- ~td. fur eYl·ry 3 lmH•ln~·l :; 'l'lartt·r:i' \\"t~ ight iu saitl quantity, said oati to l1e tldiYcfl'tl to tlal~ ortll·r uf .Altl. :\Iillt•rtl, Mr.

Carrce, .Mr. Dring, awl llr. Pil'r;o;cy, whatt·n·r lu~s ~laoultl h· HJn•H said oats into meal and :iclliug said tm~al to the poor shall Le m;ultl sa.iu gentlemen.

llla )~ j II~ ••outl to n

J>rcsent-~fr. :Mayor, l[r. I:ct.·or•h·r; Altl"n. lk·mwtt, liillt.>rcl, Crokl'r, Jackson, Baldwin; Shcr. Phillips; llr. Carre, Dring, Pier:icy, uwl J•'ullcr, c. s. 1\Iem. A Council sum. for 10 o'clock, 22 .JanY., waitctl till after 1~, when there appeared : Present--:\Ir. ~fayor; Al,}cn. J;ennett, Austin, ('rukt·r; fo\hc>r. Tt•JTY; :\fr. Carree, Dring, nroWJll", Jlier:;ey. 2:J .fail., 17:~!). That sL~teen httnt1rctl kiltlerkins of llarlcy, 4•lo tho l'ropcrty of lfr. Tho~. Deare and 1200 of l\Ir. I:oht. \\"illiamson, l10 l,onght l•y Altl. :\[j1J, ~rcl, ll1·. Carre, Dring, anti J>ier~cy, nt the cost it stooc..l fOaitl Beare antl \\"illiams(Jil, to be paid saiti gentlemen l•y the Chaml•erlain. The Harlc.·y to 1Kl tu:L•l•' iuto meal, in orucr that the market may be supp1il·tl, awl the sum saitl tlll!al or barley shall protluce Lc accounted for by saitl gentlt~mcn. llr. Piersey has contmcted with Mr. Mathias Smith for ahout ROO kilrlt•r- kins of oats at 138. 9J. for eYery 3 lmntire<l 3 quarters' weight, saitl oat~ to be delivered to the order of Ald. l\Iillerti, :\Ir. Carr~, Diing, anti I,icrsy, tho cost to be paid by the Chamhcrlain, said oah to be m:vle into meal t, ... ,. ., I,.__ t f

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