Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


to the \Vatch l\foney, but with this restriction, that no rate upon any one house sltall exccctl 5 shillings, nor any house less than one shilling. The Committee appointed by the House of Commons to take into con- sideration John }'orster's Petition have ordered the Town Clerk or his deputy to attend them the first Tuesday after the recess, with the books of the Acts of the C. D. H.; ordered, that the Town Clerk or his Deputy do attend with said book. Present-Mr. 1\fayor, 1\ir. Recorder; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Millerd, Croker, Baldwin; Sher. Terry and Phillips; Mr. Carre, Travers, Dring, Browne, and Fuller, C. S. 14 Jan., 1739. Mr. Lavit's lease of the premises formerly held by Polly being engrossed, was read and approved of. Whereas it has been proved that Mr. Hugh Taylor, a freeman of this Corporation, spoke very reflecting words of the present Recorder, Joseph Bennett, Esq., by saying," God damn the Mongrell what right has he to be Recorder 1" and said Taylor being sent for and not acquitting himself, ordered, that his nam~ be struck off the Rolls of freemen of this City, and the 1\Iayor is desired to cause said Taylor to find surety for his good behaviour. That it be an instruction to our Representatives that we conceive it 'Would be an effectual method to prevent any exportation of wool from this kingdom to France, if liberty was given by Act of Parliament to make up \ and export from hence such coarse woollen manufactures as will not interfere f with those manufactured in England, and we apprehend a tax on wool will be highly prejudicial to the good of this kingdom. That ·1\Ir . .Mayor write to the Government, that as the severe frost has -c-\- destroyed most of the Potatoes, it is very much to be feared that all manner . of Corn will be very dear, especially Oats, which is the chief support of the ' 1 , ~ poor, if the exportation of that grain in particular be not immediately stopped. Present-Yr. Mayor, 1\Ir. Recorder; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Millerd, Croker, Jackson, Baldwin, Newman; Sher. Terry and Phillips; Mr. Carre, Travers, Dring, Browne, and Piersey.

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