Croker, Jackson; Shcr. Terry; Mr. Carre, Dring, llrownc, nntl Ald. Dald- wm. 2U Dt:c:., 1';39. That Ald. Atkin~· bill, £14 s~ .. for Leer delivcrt..>c.l Ly him on puLlic __.. occasions, from 11 June to 5 Xuv. last, be paid. That Saml. Hoare, having served Ju~t·ph lluaro and Raml. Pike; Thomas, having served his father, Etlwd. Barwick; Harmer, havin~ :;erved his father, Altl Dclahoyde, and his Lrother 'Villiam; Geor~e Hill, haviu~ served John Hill and .John Hill, Jun.; Joshua, having served hili fatlll'r, ThonHl:i Beale; J»eter Lucas, having served l\Ir. Tho:i. lluusficltl; Emau•. Fulll·r, son of Ald. }..uller, and Lruther to the presunt llayur; and Oeurgc Atkin~. l•rother to AM. Atkin!~ awl .Altl. .John Atkin~. dt.·c., carrying on the clothier·~ Lusiuess in the City, nnt.l who keeps a house therein, Le ndmittetl free. Prescot-Mr. Mayor, I:ccort.ler ; .AlJt·n. llawkins, Bennett, Atkins, ~fil lcnl, Croker, Jackson, llalJwin; Sher. Terry; ·Mr. Carre, Dl"ing, l~rownt•, and Fuller, Jun., C. S. 31 Dec., 1739. That Joseph, having scrn~d Tho"'. Deale; Abraham l\forril'f, haYing scrvetl Air.•John Harper; anti Junathau, cltlelit sun of Juuatlanu Hutchinson, Lo admitted free. Present-Mr. l!ayor, .Al,Icn.Jiawkin!i, I;enn<.:tt, Millen!, Croker, Newman; Shet·. Terry and J»hilli}'S; l\lr. Carre, Ow~au, Travers, nnd Dring.
- r 4 .l<tll.,
~-·•n IOJJ,
Onleretl, that .Mr. Mayor c.lo desire tho r-.er,rescutatiVt!S of this City to apply to those appointed to 1•rcparc heads of the Dill to continue the IAtmps that the power Lc vcsteJ in the l!ayor and Council to ar•point a person or persons to provide, erect, and supply the lamr,s for this Citty, and that saic.l Council may appoint any sum not exceeding 1.i shillings per annum for pro\iding and feeding such lamps ns they shall appoint to Le put up in the streets, Quays, L'lncs, and SuLurbs of said City, and that the sum allowed for each lamp may Le raised by the Yestry in each l)arish upon the inhal.i- tants of each parish, ashy the Act of the Dublin Lights, but not accm-.Iinc:
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