That Mr. 1\Iayor, Recorder, Alden. 1\{illerd, Austin, Croker, Jackson, Sher. Terry and l">hillips, Mr. Carre, do consider of a convenient place for to build a 1\fayoralty House, and report. The £300 left by Mr. Abraham Dickson's will to the Blue Boy's Hospital not being yet paid, ordered, that Mr. Hoare demand said legacy of Mr. Hugh Dickson. Present-- Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Hawkins, 1\Iillerd, Austin, Croker, Jackson, Farren, RalJwin; Sher. Terry; Mr· Carre, Engain, Owgan, Dring, Browne, and Fuller, C. S. 17 Dec., 1739. That Mr. Robt. Hoare wait on the Recorder with the copy of the Petition preferred to the House of Commons by John Forster, in behalf of his brother, Jeremiah For~t'Jr, complaining against the Mayor, &c., for neglect in not regulating the payment of Lamp Money, in order that the Recorder may give a proper answer to said petition and set forth the great many abuses committed by said Forster in his prosecution of said Act, relating to erect Lamps in this City. That Mr. Mayor and Mr. Thos. Browne be appointed to receive a Fire Engine and Buckets from Mr. James Piersey, presented by him to tlris Corporation, also provide a proper place for the safe keeping of said Engine and the Engine heretofore belonging to this Corporation, which they are to put into good repair. That Mr. Mayor, both ·sheriffs, and the C. S. get the floor of the Exchange repaired, and the Council Chamber and Wainscot in the Ex- change new painted, and a large lanthorn put up in the Exchange, to be illuminated every night during the winter season. That .£10 be paid Mr. Mayor, Ald. Croker, Jackson, Sheriff Terry and Phillips, Mr. James Piersey, Mr. John Harper, to be by them distributed amongst the several people aidjng and assisting at the extinguishing the late fire on the Quay leading to the Custom House, and that £5 be paid Mr. Mayor, to be by him given to the Anny for their care and attendance to protect the goods of the several inhabitants adjoining the place where the fire broke out. Present- Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Millerd,
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