30 ltot•., 173!l. Copy of a letter of Attorney t:,riven the Chamberlain to clistra.in: "Know ye nll men that we, the Mayor, &c., of the City of Cork, hnvo constituted Joseph Franklyn, TIUJ'(Jess, Chamberlain, our lawful Atton~ey, to demand, recover, &c., from the several tenants of tho Corporation, nll rents, &c., to make and give acquittances, &c., and if need be, to tlistrnin. Witness our names, &c., and tho Common Seal :" (Loc.·. Siyil.) Wm. Fuller, Mayor; John Terry anu Noblet I>hil.lips, Sheriffs; Gco. }'ul- ler, Com. Speaker. SigneJ, &c., in presence of us, Tho". 'Vl1ite, Tl10o;. 'Vinter. That .£2 17s. Btl. Lc paid Geo. Fuller, }:sq., so much disbursed by him last assizes in a suit commenced against him by Wm. llridges, late SarcJcant- at-Mace, and adjudged to boa vexatious suit. Present-linyor, Recorder, 11. Millenl, ,V. llawkins, S. Croker, J. Atkins, T. Huleat, Esqn., J. Tirry and N. I,hillips, };~qn.; A. Carre, Dring, Dennett, Engain, Burgesses. 3 Dec., 1739. That llr. Fran. Austin be paid .£10 158. lld. for liveries furnished Batty «md the two Dlue Coats. That the liayor, &c., sign o.n<l put the Corporation Rcnls to a receipt this day approved of, to be given to tho 'Viddow of Silvester Cros.~t, for .£100 left by him to the Blue Coat llospital By order 31 May la.qt, the Ueconler and Ald. Croker were appointed to consult with Coultsman and I>aunt to prepare a J,}an of tho New Corn Market; the plan was tllis day produced and apvrovetl of, and an eKtimato made, Mr. Mayor, Recorder, AIJen. Austin, Croker, Sher. Terry and I,billi}>S, and the C. S. to be overseers. Present-1\lr. liayor, Mr. necorder; AideD. Hawkins, Millenl, Croker, Jackson; Sher. Terry and l'hillips; Mr. Engain, Dring, Browne, and Fuller, c.s.. 10 Dec., 1739. That nevd. Mr. Daily be paid .£5 138. 9d. for five Sennons preached by him OD Election-day, Swearing-day, 23 Oct., 29 Sep., and 5 Nov.
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