That the Chamberlain pay Richd. Daniel, butcher, £22 15s. for his dilli- gence, &c., during the time of his being Master of the Society of Butchers, in detecting unsound beef intended for exportation, which, if not prevented, would be a great discredit to the trade of this City. That John Blancheatt be paid £3 5s., expended by him fC)r repairing a public slip near North Gate, appointed by the Mayor. That a petition be preferred to Parliament, to have the Weigh Master's office in the Mayor and Common Council, to enlarge the number of Deputy Weighmasters and the number of Weigh Houses, and to do it for half tl10 present fees, and any money that remains after all charges sball be for the use of the work-house of this City. That an application be made to Parliament for an amendment of the Butter Act, as to the distribution of the forfeitures. That Alden. Millerd, Croker, Newman, 1.Ir. Dring and Browne do hear Mr. Lavit's proposal in relation to his making a surrender of his holding formerly set to Polly. Present--Mayor, Recorder; AlJcn. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Millerd, Hu- leatt, Croker, Farren·; Mr. Terry and Phillip, Sheriffs ; Mr. Carre, Dring, Travers, Browne, and Fuller, C. S. We dissent from petitioning the Parliament in relation to the Weigh Master's office, because we have signed a memorial, among many other eminent dealers, intimating that the present Weighmasters have behaved well, and that after their decease said imployment should revert to the Workhouse.-H. Millerd, Ad. Newman, Rob. Travers, Rob. Dring. I approve of all the above orders but that fox lessening the fees in the Butter Act.-Sam. Croker. 3 Nov., 1739. That Ald. Hoare do attend the Recorder in the draft of the Lease to be }>crfectcd by the Corporation to Mr. Walter Lavit and Mr. Pigott's award relating to the holding formerly Polly's. Present--Air. Mayor, Recorder ; Alden. Hawkins, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Jackson; Sb~riffs Terry and Phillips; Mr. Monison, Carre, Engainc, Owgan, Dring, Browne, and Fuller, C. S.
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