Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


opinion who are tho proper persons to give her l\ disch<l!"iJe for same, ordered, that llr. lloaro lay the Hospital deed befuro tho Uecorder and fcc him for his opinion. The draft of &lmd. Hoche's lease of part of the Exclumge being rcntl and approved of, ordered, that it be laid 'before Mr. Uoch for his npprohution. That lfr. Russell 'Vood's bill for Law business, .£G 17s. G<l., oo paid bim. Present-The Mayor, Tit-aconler, Sher. Terry; Aldt... G. Bennett, II. ?.Iil- lerd, J. Austin, S. Croker, n. }'ullcr, A. Jackson, J. llaldwin, Estln·; Mr. Morrison, Engain, Dring, and llrowuc. 22 Oct., 1739. By ot·tler of Council, 8 Oct., 17jV, a dispute between the Aittn. awl Sheriff.-. of this Uity, with respect to taking place, where the Sherin~ Hhoultl sit in Council aut! si~"ll their names, was referrccl to, aHtl ordcretl that my judgment shoultl 1~ final. In 1•ursuanco of said onler I exuminml tho Charter, tho Council-Books, nntl Hye-L'\ws, and consitlcrccl tho UonHtitution thereuf, ami an1 of opinion that the Aldermen ought .to take }•lace of tho Shcrifl':i in the Council, and sit above them lUHl sign alJOVO them, and tl1at the ShcrHr's }'laces at the Council TalJlo (after they are sworn) aro next below the Aldenuen. and immediately 'Lcfuro tho other Council men who aro not Altlcnncn. And I nm also of opinion, that tho name or title which for some years past has been briven tQ the Council, to wit: Tho Mayor, Sheriflit, and Common Council, is not the proper title, nor is tl1ero any just foundation for so naming them; Lut the sa111c is o.n innovation o.nd not warrantt..J by the Constitution or fonner pmctice, and that they ought to be called the Mayor nnd Common Council, and the names Qf the members present to be set in the ma1" 0 rin according tQ their rank o.nd prece- dince, as in former times, o.nd this I brive as my judb"lnent. 22 Oct., 1739.- J o. Dennett. Present-Mayor, Recorder, G. Bennett, R. Atkins, J. Croker, G. Fuller, T. Farren; J. Terry and N. Phillips, Sheriffs, Esqrs.; Durgcsscs, A. Carre, D. Enc,nnine, ,V. Owgan, R. Dring, T. Browne, and G. Fuller, C. S. 25 Oct., 1739. That Mr. Higncll Keeling be paid £50 for an Entertainment at the Tholsel the 11 til inst.

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