Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


That £21 98. 10d. be paiu 1\:lr. Geo. Fuller for clothing the Sword Bearer, Exchange Keeper, and two Blue Coats. That an entertainment be made in this room next Thursday, being the Coronation of His Maj., and that Ald. Croker, two Sheriffs, and C. S. do take care of same. Present-- Wm. Fuller, Esq., Mr. Recorder, A. Newman, Sher. Terry and Phillips; Alden. Bennett, Millerd, Atkins, Austin, Croker, Jackson, Bald- win ; Mr. Carre, Browne, Engain, and Fuller, C. S. 15 Oct., 1739. Resolved, that the following Memorial be sent to Sr. Marmaduke Wyvill. The Memorial of the Mayor, &c., Showeth- " That this City is a place of great trade, and labours under many incon- veniences by the Post coming in so late at night that letters can't be given out of the office before 8 of the clock in the morning after arrival, which we hope you will remedy by such alterations in the ridings from Dublin to this City, that the letters may be given out the day the post arrives. That any inconvenience elsewhere can bear no proportion to the great advantages that must arise to the great trade of this City, nor cause very little, if any, additional charge to the revenue. That the place the Post Office is now kept in is greatly inconvenient, in a remote part of this City, some distance from the Exchange, at the end of a quay were people in the night may be in great hazard, and it would be greatly serviceable to the merchants, &c., of this City if the Post Office was kept near the Exchange, being the centre of this City. Your memorialists hope for redress, as places of less conse- quence in trade receive the like benefit. Your Surveyor when he inspects will see how your Memists. are injured, and may be redressed." Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Terry, Recorder; H. Millerd, G. Bennett, A. ,Jackson, J. Austin, S. Croker, G. Fuller, Esqn.; Mr. Owgan, Browne, Engain, and Fuller, C. S.. 18 Oct., 1739. That Mr. Hoare write to Mr. Croker to fee the AttY.-General, the Prime Serjeant, Recorder of Dublin, and the Recorder of Limerick, to consult on the state of the case relating to the Petty duties and Statute freemen. Whereas Sil. Cross, Esq., by his will left .£100 to the Blue Coat Hospital, and his executor having refused to pay it, till she is satisfied by Lawyer's


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