Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



klnguom to have the post to this City better regulated, nml to la.y it before next Council. That 'Villiam Duuu be paiu .£10 lOs. Prcsent-llr. 1.1ayor, the Hccoruer; Alc.l"'n. Dennett, 1.Iillenl, Au~tin, Hulcat, Croker; Mr. llorrison, Ca.rree, Engain, Dring, Drowno, ru1u Piersy. 3 Oct., 17:Hl. 'V'illinm Fuller, E:;'l·• Muyor. Tho Mayor nnu 8heritl~ were sworn members of tho Council. That .£13 71l. !id. bo }"iitl for the charges cxpencled on tho l\Io01·ish Envoy's 1\Iesscngcr lately here, aml sent forwanl to Bristol on his wn.y to London. To be paiu thus :-To the late liayor .£1 14s. &1. he paiJ for his pa.s~-tag•!, Interpreter .£1 21l. Ud., ""illiam Buuu .£10 lOll.; total .£1:$ 7~. !i<l. That 1.Ir. l!ayor, Heconler, Em. I•igott, I~s•t·• Altl...". Croker, Atkius, Dennett, lfillcrd, Jackson, auJ llr. Carre antl lkowuc, with Huch us lllay bo chosen by tho C. D. II., meet nnJ consitlcr of pro1'cr iu:;tructiuu:5 tu IJO given our 1\Iembcrs of Parliament. That Luke Saul be paitl .£4 !ill. 4tl. cxpcuJcJ on lahour, &c., at Blackrock, prostrating tho wein:J according to the l'rcsentments maclo in that Lclmlf. Present-The Mayor, Into 1\Iayor, .John TerryanJ Noblett l'hillipA, Es'l·· Sheriffs; AIJon. Demlett, Millonl, Austin, Croker, AtkiuM, HawkiuM, naiJwin, Jackson; 1\Ir. Morrison, 0\Vbran, Carre, llrowne, En~-tain, nnu .l;·ullcr, C. S. 8 Oct .• 17:19. This day Walter Lavit appeared before the Council, nml being shown tJao award maue between this City nnu saiJ L'lvit concerning }lolly's holclingH, sail\ he llof?I'CeU. Orderccl, that Lavit pay .£128 7s. Gd. duo 2~ last month, wllCn paiu a lease be perfected to Lavit. 'Vhereas on 16 Fch., 1735, it was oruerccl that the dispute between the Alden. and SheriJls of this City, with respect to the taking place in tho Council, be rcferrell to the Recorder, and as he gave no opinion, aruf saitl dispute still subsists, anu also a dispute where tho Shcriff.ot shall sit in Council and sign their names to the orders of Council. To avoid such dis- putes, oruered, that it be referred to the award of J oscph Dennett, Esq•• Recorder, whose juub"lllent must be final. ... . ., . ...- ..

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