Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


8 Sep., 1739. The conveyance of the plot of ground before Paul's Church to tho Mayor, &c., for the use of the Parishioners was read and approved of. That Mr. Geo. Fuller, C. S., be paid 9 guineas expended for a Cap of Maintenance. That Mr. Mayor, the Recorder, Em. Pigott, Esq. ; Alden. Croker, Atkins, nnd Bennett consider by what ways and means fresh water may be brought to this City, a:nd if same appears feasible, that they prepare a scheme. Whereas the trade of this City is greatly prejudiced for want of a sufficient quantity of halfpence and farthings, and the poor almost starved for want of small change to buy their subsistence, ordered, that Mr. Recorder prepare a petition to the Government to be relieved as they think proper. That £5 be paid Mr. Richard Good for a list of all ships which daily arrive in this Port, being for two years, ending 29 inst. Whereas Mr. Mayor did buy at Ald. Edwd. Hoare's cant the island he held from the Corporation for their use for £65, that the Chamberlain pay the trustees of Mr. Hoare said sum, deducting the rent due by Hoare. Present- Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker, Pembrock, Fuller, Jackson, Baldwin; Mr. Carre, Owgan, Dring, Browne, Piersy. 12 Sep., 1739. That Ald. Jackson be paid £20 for the Scales and beams by him bought and left in the Market for the use of the City. Whereas the present Mayor hath not taken any thing for weighing meal or small articles in the market, whereby the .poor receive great benefit. That the same be not·left a Charge on the Mayor, ordered, that he be paid £60 for the loss he sustained. .........._ That £4 5s. be paid Hignet Keeling, balance on account of an Entertain- ment at Blackrock Castle 1 Aug. last. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Hoare, Hawkins, Bennett, Atkins, Pembrock, Croker, Fuller, Jackson, Farren ; Mr. Morrison, Owgan, TraYers, Browne, Piersy. 28 Sep., 1739. That Mr. Caree, prepare a Memorial ~ the Post Master Gent. of this

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