orderly persons go about the town, and commit riots and great disortlers in the night time, to the great prejuilice of the sober inhabitants thereof, these are to declare that such persons shall be punished in the most severe manner the law directs, and that any persons who go about tho streets in a disortlerly manner, and in numbers, from 11 o'clock at night to 4 o'clock in the uwrn- ing, shall be prosecuted, and all vagabonds nro re<tuired immediately to quit this City, or they will be prosecutec.l." That £12 be expended on an Entertainment 1st Aug., in solemnising tho _., great event that happened on that day. Prcsent-1\Ir.llayor, Sher. 'Vesthropp, necortler; Ald•a. Dennett, IIuleat, Croker, Fuller, Austin, Atkins, .Millerd; Mr. llrownc, Trnverse, J.:ngain, Dring. 31 July, 1739. The draft of tho lease between Jonas Devonshire ancl this City for the ground for a cattle market was read and approved of. Onlcrcd, that it be engrossed and a correct map be annexed thereto, and as said w-ound is to be surrounded with a stone wall 7 feet high, and a small house and stable to be built thereon, that Saml. Croker, Amb. Jackson, and UoV. Dring be overseers. Ordered, that John Allen, Rimon Ilarrison, Tho". nray, lloht. Norton, John Shadwell, John Ilughes, Thos. llughcs, and John l'laincc Lo admitted free, taking the oaths anc.l paying tho fines. The Recorder and Aiel. Croker having reported to this Doard that they had treated with Eillud. Roche, Esq., for a new lease of that part of tho Exchange now belli by the Corporation by lease from Edmd. Uoche, now near expiring, and said }:C.hud. Uoche declared be would not make such new lease under £20 a year, onlere.l, that a new lease be prepared to be executed by Edmd. Roche at ~20 a year for the tem1 which he proposed to grant, that is, for 21 years, with a covenant of renewal for 999 y~, in case said Edmd. shall survive his brother, to whom he is guardian, or shall otherwiso be qualified to grant such renewal. Present--Yr. Mayor, Recorder, two Sheriffs ; Alden. H. Millerd, J. Austin, S. Croker, J. Huleat, G. Bennett, ,V. Fuller, Mayor Elect; ){r. lJring, Piersy, Engnin, Brown~, anti Baldwin. 74
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