Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



1\Ir. Thos. Drownc was sworn a member of this Council. Tho present Corn l\Iarkct being judged too small for the use of this City, awl it being thought necessary to build granaries over said 1\farkct, that the Uity mny lay in grain, &c., for its own use, onlcrcd, that the present Corn • 1\larkct be taken (lown and rebuilt, and that the Recorder and Ald. Crolwr consult with John Coultsrnan and Thomas Daunt and, prepare a plan before next Council. rrcsent-1\fr. 1\fayor, both Sheriffs, Recorder; Alden. Atkins, Croker, Jackson ; Mr. Carre, Dring, Engain, Browne, and Harvey, C. S. 6 June, 1739. The present Cattle 1\farket of this City is too small, and it is necessary to take a larger place ; ordered, that Mr. Hecoruer, AlJ. Croker and Jackson do agree with Mr. Devonshire for two acres and half, part of Parkmore, at a yearly rent of £12 for 31 years, that the Corporation enclose same with a stone wall with lime and morter, and that 1\fr. Devonshire be obliged during his life to renew said lease for 31 years, and be restrained from lmiluing on said wall, and to leave a street 20 feet wide from East to West to said 1\farket place, and to have liberty to dig stone for said wall in said Mr. Devonshire's quarry, near the place, and that he be obliged to dig and carry away the sods from said place in a reasonable time. rrcsent-1\Ir. 1\fayor, Sher. Barry, Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Croker, Fuller, Jackson, }....arren ; Mr. Traverse, Owgan, Carre, Browne, and. c. s. 20 July, 1739. That Mr. 1\fayor do cause a gate to be made and put up to the South Uate of t1tis City. That Wm. Halfpenny be paid 40 shill. for the draft he made of the Corn- market. ' / "' ·/ That 1\Ir. :1\Iayor establish a Protestant 'Vatch in this City of 15 'Vatch- men at each 'Yatch house, who are to take up all uisor<lcrly persons that go about the street from 11 o'clock at night to 4 o'clock in the morning, till 1st of Oct. next, ami from thence till 25th March, from 11 o'clock at night till G o'clock in the morning. We request !Ir. l\Iayor to publish the following: "'Vbcreas many dis-

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