Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


reC}uest he would endeavour to get them a quantity of the new coined half t•cnce or farthing~. awl Mr. l\Inyor having Council, they nrc of opinion, thaL a~ the Com11wn people of thi:-~ City refuse to receive tho :znntl olu half J>ence, ami there not being a sutlicient •1nantity of the new fur change to answer the retail trac.le the poor, we c.le::~iro the l\[nyor to write anc.l thank the S~aker, and c.lesire him to procure for us to tho valuo of .£200 of the new half J,ence or farthing~. That Thomas, only sou of Ald. .Abraham }~rench, he nc.lmittec.l free. Prescnt-l\lr. 1\Iayor, f;her. narry, Sher. 'Vhinthrop, tho J:ecorc.ler; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, 1\fillerll, Croker, remhrock, Jackson; .Mr. Eugaiu anc.l Tr.1ve~. 30 .April, 173!). There heen of late several Prute:itant natives of this City who have, in a menacing mmmer, applied to he made free on the statutu, we aro of opinion that the nativt•s of tlai:i kingclom are not entitlctl to lte uuule fl'ce J,y saic.l ad, awl in case they put the :\Inyor &c., tu any expense fi,r refusiug t11c nath·es to be free, tho ex1,euse to Lo 11aid out of the rc\·enue:i of tho City. That 1\Ir. Hignctt Keelin;.(~ l•ill for an Entertainment when A[r. I:oht. Tmvers wa~ electctll\fayor, nmonnting to .£j2, Lc }Jaitl him, the ~hcriJl' then clectecl having paicl like sum of .£:;:!,


That UoLt. Atkins he paicl hi:i hill t'or hecr on puhlic Of~c:t'4iom-., .£10 1 H. That Ticvd. 1\[r. Baily Lo pa.icl 5 guineas for 5 Sermons: on Election day, Swearing t.lay, 1\[ich. c.lny, ~:J Oct., awl r; Nuv. la!-lt. That Hicbd. Chinery's Lill for an entertainment at l~lackrock Castle, ./ 9 Aug., .£17 4s. 2<1., Le pa.itl. That Mr. Tho. Daunt's bill for timhcr nn<l "·ork, .£1:1 12R., lJC pnitl. Present-Mr. Mayor, Rl1er. Darry ; Aiucn. Ilennctt, llillcrcl, Austin, Atkins, lluleat, Croker, }~ullcr, Jackson, llalc.lwin; Mr. Carre, }:ngain, Owgnn, and C. S. 31 Jfay, 173!). That Ald. :Millerd, Mrn. Carre, Travers, Dring, Browne, Engain, and tl1o Sheriffs, "ith such members as were nominated last lfonday Ly the C. D.ll., examine the accounts relating to the revenues of this City and rCIJOrt; to be sib'llOO Ly at least three members of this CounciL

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