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.T u~eph BL'nndt, E.;'l·• I:ccunler, swuru Curumon Cuuneil man of tlti:i Citty. That TiolJt.Jioare'~ 1~illuf l'o4, £~~:; 10.~. r.d., fur law l•u:-:im·:-:~ n11tl tlm.•e npprul.~ation~, vi=., fur ~\hl.:n. l·,arrcn, Jblwiu, aud J•reseut ~layur, iucludiug ~[r. John Croker'~ l,iU uf Cost, l•e paitl. That AlJ. Bennett lJe pai•l .£~ t; .. ~. Id. fur Huuk~ fur tlte u:-~e of thu Corpo- ration. That ::\fr. l!ns~eu 'YI)tHl':i ],ill of l'll~t lll' pai.l fill' pro~:t•t•utiu~ .ro~l'}'h l:u~sl'll au·l tlH.: trav,·r..;•·r-; .. r th•! \\·,·ir.~. :uu"uutiug tu .til 1-l.lf. '..!,[, That ] Ii~uett KccliH.~·:-i bill f,, •. an eukrlailllll•'lll at the J·:~dmugc~, ll ')( Oet., 1J l..'ill .~ King (:e.,rgt!'.-; (_'t~l'llll tti••!l, bt• paic}-_t:;;j, \ I That :\frs:i. Tu\\'II"'L'Illl au•l Pric··~·:i l.~ill fur tar Larrcl:i, .£i ltilf., from ~l'JI. \ 173:J, to 11 .J nne la:;t, J,c J•ai•l. Preseut-:\fr. ::\Ltyur, ~lJ•!r. \ \ \ · -; trnJ•JI at~tl narry, l:c•c·or,lc·r ; Al·I··n. nc·n- nett, l\Iillcrcl, ...\u.-;tiu, Crukc•r, PelUl,ruek, .Jackson, .Farreu, galclwiu; l\Ir. Varn!, H. Travcr:i, uw 11:. Vriu~. 2~1 J,ul., 17:{~. lly a Jato Jlrod:unation from the <:uvermnc.•ut, clatc•l G l\fay, 1';:17, all the good ohl half pence Wl'l'l! tu pa~ .; 11~ u..:ual; awl wlll'rea~ tltc City i:-~ ovcrlmrcll'ncJ with couutL·rfl·it 1talf }•Clll't', wltic-h i~ grc·atly iujuriou:i tu trade.~, ___.. orc.lcreLl, that no pt•r:-;ou refn:-;c to take in payment tlw goo•l c•l•l ltalf }'t!llCc•, null that the couuterfl·it nW..''i oll'cn·•l iu 1•ayuwnt J,u l•rought l.~cforc tho ~Iayo1· or other ,Ju:-~tiee, wlto i:i rt•cptirc•l to cut awl destroy Hamc. '\11Crcas there is great rc•n4t•n to H)•}'l'•:hcwl that ~c·veral Ju•rson~ in this Citty, anJ clscwherl', clo cuuutcrft·it half pt·UcP, awl that several ill-cliHposc!cl persons go into the country, awl at sunll price 1Juy up countt·rfeit Jmlf pence nuc.l bring t]wm to this l'itty, ancl utter Rnme to the hrrcat pr('jwliec of the citizens nncl poor; orc.lcre•l, that .£,) l.IC }'aiel to any person tlmt / "'·ill c.liscover and convic.:t within six mouths any l'crson who couutetfcit:i half pence, or Lrings nny cptnntity into thi~ City; that .Alcl. Bcnuctt priut 1 those orders that they may be po:;tcc.1 np in nil }•laces of this City. '\nereas a weir in the Great l:iver, callcJ LcJ. Darr.},uoru's '\"eir, wa~ presented hy the l:rauJ .Jury of thi~ City, which travcrscc.1, aud a Ue;·ticJi·u.k
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