That William Hare be pnid £50 4s. 8(l. for candles for the use of the Corporation for five years ending 30 Sep. last. That 1fr. l\fayor, Sher. Winthrop and Barry, Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Huleat and Croker meet 1\!r. Jonas Devonshire to view the ground called Parkmore, and report what part would be sufficient to make a market for the standing of Cattle. J>resent-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Westrop and Barry ; Alden. Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleat, Croker; Mr. Carre, Engain, Dring, Travers, and Harvey, C. S. 16 Oct., 1738. That £25 be expended for an entertainment to-morrow, being the King's Coronation-day, and that Mr. Mayor, the Sheriffs, and Ald. Croker do direct same. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. W estropp and Barry ; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, liuleat, Croker, Fuller, Farren, Jackson ; Mr. Carre, Engaine, Owgan, Dring, Travers, and Harvey, C. S. 2 ltov., 1738. Whereas, by order of 10 Nov., 1735, of the Mayor, &c., it was ordered that the Petty duties of 18 pence in the pound should be collected, we agree that it be put in force, and that Ambrose Cramer, Esq., shall collect same, and in case of refusal distrain, and he have the assistance of the Sargeants and Bayliffs of this City in collecting same. Present-1\!r. ~!ayor, Sher. Barry; Alden. Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Jackson, Farren ; Mr. Carre, Engain, and Owgan. 6 Nov., 1738. By order of the C. D. H. there was .£200 given for the present Mayor's Sallary ; ordered, that a further sum of .£165 be given the present Mayor, to augment his sallary-on the whole, .£365. Present-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, She·r. Barry; Alden. Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Croker, Jackson, Farren, Baldwin; l\fr. Carre, Engain, Owgan, Travers, Dring, and Harvey, C. S.
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