board all such money as hath been expended in filling, and quaying, and enclosing said ground, not exceeding £300, and Mr. Carree and Engain having this day laid said order before us, and having aj_)plied for the appro- bation of the Mayor, &c., we, the Mayor, &c., having perused the act for building the Workhouse, cannot find they are possessed of any ground more convenient than said ground already set apart. There1'ore we order the Town Clerk to prepare a fee farm lease of said gTound, the Governors having by their order of 3 Aug. directed said ground to be guaged in and filled up according to the plan laid before them. Whereas John Cox, late under receiver in the gateage of this City, 1ies now in his sick bed in a deplorable condition, by age and mortification in his foot, and having been for 30 years a faithfUl servant of this Corporation, ordered, that 3s. per week be paid him. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Townsend; Alden. Bennett, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Jackson; Mr. Carre, Engain, Owgan, Dring, and Armstead, c. s. 16 March, 1737. 'f, That Mr. Keeling's bill of £11 3s. 6d. for an entertainment at Black Rock Castle be paid. That the Expenses of a bill in Chancery by - Davies and others against
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