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CO}JPL.\1!\l'S OF TilE }JEUCIIA~T~ TJUlJI!'iG TO W.\TEit~'OJW. . That Mr. ~layor write to our Tieprescntativcs to endeavour to ha\·o inserted in an net of Parliament now enacting fur the weighing of Corne, &c.• " to have all foreign salt weighed anu accounted at five score pounus to the Bushel," as it is the opinion of the principal merchants of this City that; said regulation will be brreatly fur the benefit of tmue. ~·' Several complaiuts have been mauo by the :\Icrchant~ of this City trntling. to \Vaterfuru, that tlw l\la~rilitnLtl•s of that City exl•rcise nn arbitrary authority on our fishing hoat~, 1Jy forcing up said boats from the Pus!4age to the City with their herring~ to be tlisl'harcJcd, packed, Malted, awl barrelletl in saiu City, to the oppression of said fishcnueu and their etni'loycrs, null the detriment of trade. 1\!r. :\Iayur is tlcsireu to write to tl1e Corporation of \Vaterfonl to dcsil'4t from these procectlin~rs, nntl l'l'port their nn!iwer to thil'l bonnl. That Alu. Austin cover the :\Iayur's Gallery in the 4 churche~ with black cloth, not exceeding Gs. Gel. J>cr yartl, nwl that the silver oar aml Hm:jt•antli' Maces be covered with cypress, also tho sword, nga.inst next Hunuuy :\lurn- ing, for ller Maj. Queen Caroline. That £7 5R. he paitl John TinrJH. 1 r for n~ws Papers sent from l..ontlnn in ,.,.. the years 1721 ancl1722 by Daniel I,revcrian, LHb the bill dmwn for said sum being n1islactl. That .£1!) 48. Lo paid Aiel Atkins for 24 barrels of ale gh~en the Soldiers at Sundry times, the King's Coronation-day inchuled. That whosoever is aumitteu to the oflice of \\raterl>ailiff lmve half tho gross produce, nnd that he pay monthly half tho dues he shall receive of Merchants, 1\Iasters of Ships, or others, nnd that a 'Vntcrhailiff be chosen ~n open court of D. II. on \Ve,lncsday, 14 inst., and that be give security to the amount of one year's money. Present-Mr. 1Iayor, A b. Townsencl and C. Carleton, Sheriff.~; Alum. Dennett, Austin, Hulent, Croker, Fuller, Jackson, Pembrock, Atkins; 1\b~. Carro, Dring, and Enc,rain. 2 Jan., 1737. Dy an order of 26 Dec. last, that there should be on applieation to the Mayor, &c., to haYe an onlcr made for building a \\r orkhouse, ami that should a place more commodiously situated than the ground ncar Lady's 'Veil bridge be pitched upon, that the Corporation shall reimburse said 72-2
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