Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


7 Oct., 1737. John Baldwin, Esq., Mayor. A letter received this uay from our tl·prcscntatives nbout the petition relating to gold coin~. l,ut whether said Petition should statui us it docs; carried in the aflinnative hy 11 to ~. I:csulvcJ, that it bo laill bcforo tho house on the first occasion without delay. Present-l\Ir. liayor, II. ,Townscncl, Sheriff; J. Allen, G. llcnnett, II. llillerd, J. lluleat, S. Croker, G. :Fuller, A. Jac~ou, T. Farren, A. Carre, D. Eugain, ,V. Owgan, J. Annstcau, C. S. 2G Oct., 1737. That £GO 88. 1d. be paid Hignett Keeling for the entertninweut to Right __... lion. Henry Hoyle. Also .£G 38. 7 <l. to Geol'fJe Fuller, Jun., for clothes for the blue coats of this City. That .£4 108. 1d. be paid to Mr. John 'Villis for clothes, &c., supplied the Exchange Poi'ter. That the Aiel. of the 'Yartl do exercise their nuthority for deciding smnll debts, ns granted hy the charter of this City, nnJ that the .City SUI,I>ort them, which power we believe His }[aj. predecessors grouted for the general good of the City-to be referred to the C. D. II. That .£7 158. be paid to l[r. A. Carro and l[r. 'VO<Xl, so much paid hy tl1em to Mr. Serj'. llettesworth and T. Dennett, Esq., for the City petition about the Coin. Present-T. Baldwin, Sher. Townsend, G. Dennett, n. Atkins, J. Iluleat, S. Croker, G. }"uller, A. Jackson, 'T. Farren, Esch A. Carrl~, '\r. Owgan, D. Engain, It Dring, J. Armstead, C. S., Burgesses. " 'Ve assent to all the foregoing rules except that of supporting the Aldennen of the 'Yanls at the City expense, to which we disseut.-Will. Owgan, Rob'. Dring." 31 Oct., 1737. On an information on oath that they are building a new weir in the river opposite Passage, and pretended by the workmen by the direction oC

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