Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


24 Sep., 1737. ""·/ r' That O'Bryan Dilks, Esq., of Dublin, be made free of this City. That Lieut.-Gen. Pearce's letter to the Commanding Officer of the Garri- son of Corke be copied, viz., "Dublin, May 21, 1737. "Sir ' " Their Excellencies the Lords Justices being informed of a vile murder committed in the neighbourhood of Corke by some audacious people that bid defiance to the law, and that the civil power is not able to put the laws in execution without the military assistance, you are hereby ordered to confer with the chief magistrate of that City and to give them such support as may be required from you, and not only them, but likewise the officers of his Maj. revenue, and . to observe such directions as shall be given by them, or Constable, or other Civil Magistrate, either of whom being present, will be sufficient to justify the legality of what may happen. "I am, sir, your humble Servt., Tho. Pearce." "You are to take particular care to deliver this order to the Commanding Officer that succeeds you, and him to the next, as a standing order to the Garrison." That whereas Mr. Mayor issued out a Proclamation to suppress the mob and a reward offered of £20 for the discovery of the author of an anonymous letter, in case a discovery be made and the author convicted, the discoverer shall be paid the said £20, to be referred to C. D. H. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Bradshaw; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Croker, Jackson, Fuller, Aug. Carre, D. Engain, 'Vm. Owgan, R. Dring, J. Armistead, c. s. 30 Sep., 1737. Ordered, that the orders of the C. D. H. held 29 inst., be confirmed. Present-T. Farren, Mayor, D. Crone and R. Bradshaw, Vic., Aug. Carre, Wm. Owgan, J. Allin, R. Atkins, H. Millerd, J. Huleatt, S. Croker, G. Fuller, Amb. Jackson, J. Armstead, C. S. Robt. Travers assents to the first order but not to the last of the C. D. H.

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