Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

TilE GllOt:XD DEFOnE S. P.\UL'~ CIIUW.;U TO lll"ltY ::rflt.\XGEH~ IY. 5ti7

That £5 Le paiJ ~Ir. llichtl. GouJ for a list of all ships that usually arrive in this port. That £13 7s. lld. lJe paiJ ~Ir. Fra. Austin, clothing for tho Exchange rurter awl BluecoatAi. Preseut-~Ir. ~Iayor, D. Crone autl It nraclshaw, Rlll'rin:-;; Ahll'n. Cramer, Austin, Croker, Fuller, Atkin~. llillertl, lltuL·at, Jackson, J. nahlwiu, l\Iayor l~lect, lJ. Eugaiu, J. Armstead, C. H. 1 (.f 1........ f'l'J>., ' ._,I • That a draft of a tlcetl Le ]ll'l'}laretl l•y the Parisltiont•r:i of H. l'aul's church, fur u. grant, to the ~Iayor ancl Coustal•h·s uf the ~taple uwl tlll'ir successor:i as trustee:i uf the gl'Umul Ld'ure ~aiel church, t'ur u lntryiug- l'lacc for strangers awl otl1crs who tlie in the Parish, 1-\Uch UH the ~layor. &c., shall recommentl a:i ul ~ect:i uf Charity to lJc lmrieJ there without fee!i. That the ChamLcrlaiu call on all ofliccr:i moutl1ly who l't't'Pive tlw public money, for such sums a.-; tlll'y receive every mouth, mul return tu tho 1\Iayor the names of tho:ic who duu't pay. That l\Ir.l:usscll ""ooJ Lc paiJ fur }ll'osecuting J:iehtl. <:ash awl Joyec 1: ussell, £ 1 :~ 2..,. 4d. That I:oLt. lluare l,e ]•aiel £:! 14s. Btl., Lallancc of his ne<.·ouut for lnw CXJlCIISCS, Clltling July, lj';jtj, l,rcscnt-1\Ir. ~Iayur, :Mayor J•:lect, Sher. Crone nntl Tir:uls1mw ; Alcll·n. IIawkins, Bennett, Millertl, .Austen, Croker, Fuller, Jackson, Air. Carrce, Dring, Armstcatl, C. S. 9 St·p., 1737. T:mt l\Ir. Carcc c.lo attcwl Cutm'. Bennett to draw a clraft of a l,ctition to the I,arliamcnt in the name of the Corporation showing their gric\'ance lJy reducing the golJ coin, to Lc laitl Lcforc this Loan! for ai'ProlJation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. :Mayor Elect, Sher. Crone and Bradshaw; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Millcrd, Hulcatt, Croker, PcmLrock, }'uller; lir. Carre, EBgain, Owgan, Armstead, C. S. Jdem. 21 Sep., 1737, a summons issued for a council at 4 o'clock, and none appearing, but the following, adjoumed,-lir. Mayor, llayor fleet, Sher. Crone and D1-aJshaw, Ald. Knapp, Croker, Mr. Carre, Engain, Owgan, and C. S.

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