DELLS TO DE Pt"T rP IX THE em· cornT IIOr:-\F. AXIl COnX liARKET. 3G5
practice may emlan;,:!er the peace of the City anti Kingtlom, and tends to the sub\·er5ion of I:ights aHtl lil>erties of the peo1'le, &c., unJ 1n·ay your dircctious. G .. 1/ay, 17:;;, That the piece of vacant gruuu-1 lately in the pos~t•s:-;ion of .Abraham :\!orris, dec., be immetliately iudosetl with a wall lJUilt of stout•, lime anJ sand, the ~'1·uuw1 to be ten feet in the clear; the frout to Le cunvertecl into a 'llilk llarket fur tlte }'rotit of thi:-; Corporation, tu l1e rooft•d limll'y-wi~t•, SH}'portecl by stuue }'illars, anJ a dour to Le tixctl in the centre of the ea"'t wall. That the Bell lately taken Jown from the Excla:mgc~ he r.-ca-;t a111l fixeJ up in the City Cumt huust•, awl that the Hell nuw in the City Court house Le rcmoYed to the l'c.>rn ::\[u·ket, awl that the ::\hyor, .Amh..Tacksou, nllll It Bradshaw, Esclrs., Le overseers uf the cuutract au•l the taking tluwn awl erecting said Bdl:i. Pregent-llr. llayor, n. Crone awl n. Jh·;tchllaW, Esclro;_; .Altlt..·n. n(~Jlllt'tt, Cramer, }~ullcr, ::\Iillt•rcl; Mr. Carree, Halclwin, Owgan, Eugain, <L Fullt·r, £• . , ~. :s. ,.. J 1.3. . 4 tou•, 1 4. That llr. :\Iayf>r and two ~ht·ritf'i provicle lodging~ at llr. George }~uller'R for His Excellency Henry Boyle, awl that .AM. Kuapp uo ac'1uaiut the Speaker. That Francis Carleton, having sen·ecl .Ta 8 • Calw~ll, he achnittccl free. That James, eldest son of Ald. Phillip Frt•nch, he atlmittetl free. That Peter Lane, having serveJ 'Vm. ::\Iartill, silversmith, he aclrnittccl free. That Thos. Browne, having sen·etl Henry ''11itcrnft, lK! admittc•l free. That Luke ha,;ng sen·eu Sherly ""ill~, hi~ father, he admitted free. That I:obt. }[orris, having serveJ 'Vm. }~cnn and 'Vm. Sleigh, be admitted free. That Joseph Popham, ha,;ng served Wm. Softlow, Le admitted free. That John Coote, havinc; scn·ed Aug. Carre, Le admitted free. That llob'. 'Yrixon, having sen·ed Holland Goddard, Le admitted free. That lli. Thos. Barter, having served Mr. Jn. Baldwin, be admitted free.
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