Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


r('port that we flncl a ~urn of .£1-1:1 0.-J. ~tl. due to this Corporation. 'Vitnes~ 21 ~larch, 1 i:.Jt;, Danl. Creme, H. Bracl~haw, D., T. DrownP, J. Tt•rry, S. ""akely, 1:. I> ring, " .. 111 • Fuller, (h•o. Fuller, C. S. Same Gent. having ex:uuinell the acc·ount:i of .Jehus. IIuleatt report, Wt~ find a ballauce of £;)j t).-,_ !l~d. tine to thi:i Corporation. Same Gent. havin~ examine•I the aeeount~ of ~[r. ( :ec,. Cronl:', fL't't•h·t~r of the Gatea:;e report, we tincl it to he ballancetl to lJhri..;tma~. 17:;1;. That .£j 15~. be paicl Hevd. ~Ir ..John lbyly, forti ve Sermon~, vi:., Eleetion- -- day, on Swearing-day, ~[ich:l". Day, :!:J Oct., and j Xov. That .£4 1:3.'/. 2d. be paiJ llr. l:eo. Croft~ for measures hy him uuulo for the usc of this Citty. That .£-1 1-!~. lOd. 'Lc IMicl I.eouarcl Cave for Rmith':i work done hy him. That .£8 he l,aitl Ald. I:oV. .Atkins for to Barrel:t of ale given the Army 23 Oct. and 5 Nov. That the report macle.9 ~larch ira:-;t., relatin~ to the ""aterllailitr~ aeconnt, be referred to the C. D. II. l)resent-lir. :\Iayor, Sher. Crone and Bnlllsha.w ; ..\Ml·n. IIore, Bt•nnet t, Cramer, Atkin~, :\Iillerd, .Au:iten, Fullt'r, .Tack~ou; l i r. Carh~. Engain, New- man, and C. S. 1~ .April, 173i. That lir. lioare attcml Scrgt. Puron ant! Cunner. flennctt n11tl fee thcn1 to draw up a representation to the government of Irelancl of tho proccccl- ings of J oscph ""'alton, who calls himself one of the King':t llessPngc•r!'l sent from England, in rt!lation to a caption ma•lc of the per:;on of Eclmrl. Farrell, who is detained by Capt. llutchin~on, on boartl II.ll.S. Ralamancler, ant! as the liayor of Corkc ant! .Aiel. .Jackson ha,·c PxaminP-cl into this aflhir, they shall have their expense:t That llr. Cr•Jkcr, .Agent in I )nl•lin, al'}'ly to Eaton Stannartl, E:o;ch to L'ly such repre~cntation hefore thn Govt•rmucnt. Present-llr. Mayor, Sher. Crone; .Alum. Knapp, Bennett, Cramer, Croker, Fuller, Jackson; lir. Owgan, Dring, Traverse, and Baldwin. To their E.xcellencies the Lo. Justices of Ireland, the humble Represen- tation of the Mayor, &c. of Corke : That 18 April inst., Eliz. Farrell came before Al'l Amb..Jack!Jon ancl 71-2

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