Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That the ChamLerlaiu apply to l!r. ""alter Lavitt for the rent for his holJings from the Corporation. 'Vhereas part of the house ami grounJ where Mr. llurne keeps a Tavern was held Ly lease lJy George I:ye, Esq., dec., which lease is now expired, oruereu, that the house, &c., Le set up to Cant on :.n day:i' notice postCll up at the Exchange. Present-llr. l\Iayor, Sher. Crone aml Bradshaw; .Alden. Bennet, 1\IillerJ, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Fuller, J acksou; 1\Ir. Carrl-, Engain, Dring, Dahl- win, Fuller, C. S. 9 Jlla,rclt, 17:.Hj. It is agreed between the Council awllir. 'Valter Lavit, that the disputl~ about the rent of the holtliug fornwrly heM 1Jy Polly Lc rcferrcll tu Ema.n•. l)iggott, E::Hh anJ hi:; a waru tu }Je tinal. Thos. },arrt•n, 1\Iayr., \\'alt. I.avit. The Gentlemen appointed to examine the \\"atcrhailitr's uccount!i rt~port: "'Ve tintl that he has rl'ceiveu from 10 .Aug., 17~4, to :\larch, 17:35, tlw KUJU of £:!0GM n~ .• anu that he has paiu £j;j;J is. l<l. in sundry payments to 12 Nov. last, that his chaf1Jes fur Loat, &c., according to the hye-laws, amounts to £:!ti4 lOs. fur eleven years nnd n lmlf, to ~~ .March, 1 j:.J;";, nntl that hill quarter part of the neat protluce amounts to £450 Htd. 9d., su there is due from him to 2:! l\Iarcl1, 17~5, the sum of £~!)~ 12..,. ~d., a!l uppears Ly thu account given into our hands !) llarch, 1i:Jti.-Uich 11 • llrau~haw, Dan. Crone, George .Fuller, Jun., C. S., I:oLt. lJriug, ~John Yeaman~, Tho. Browne, HoV. Armstrong, Sam 1• ""akely, .John Terry, 'Vill. .Fuller. " '"'e arc of opinion so much money is not due of llr. \\'ight, otherwise we agree to the foregoing ordcr:i.-Danl. Eugain, John llaluwin. Present-l\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Crone anu Bradshaw; Aiel"". Broclesby, Bennett, Austin, Croker, }'uller, Jackson; llr. Carree, Engain, Owgnn, Baluwin, Fuller, C. S. The - of -, 173ti. "1lereas the Common Speaker, at the request of the Commons, laicl before this board a proposal for diYicling the 'Vards, which was read in the C. D. H. and recommended by them to us for our approbation, to be passed into a Bye Law as follows, viz.: 71

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