Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



20 Jan, 1736. That Parr Thompson, having served Wm. Thompson, be admitted free ; likewise Thomas, only son of J as. Weekes ; Trayer Lawton, having served 1\fr. Benj 0 • Lawton; James Cox, Esq.; Daniel, only son of Ald. Danl. Pearse; Abraham Chatterton, Distiller; John, only son of Rice Wight; Robert, eldest son of Wm. Long; Benj. Wetherall, paying £5; Devereux Spratt, having served Ald. Delahoid ; Richard Moore - Thomas Bate- ' man, having served Ald. Delahoid; Isaac Busiy, having served Math. ~ Ardouin; REV 0 • DEANE JoNATHAN SWIFT IN A SILVER BOX; Revd. Willm. 1\Ieade, Dean of Corke ; Revd. Isaac Goldsmyth, Deane of Cloyne. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Crone and Bradshaw; Alden. Knapp, Hawkins, Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, .Austin, Huleatt, Croker; Mr. Owgan, Travers, Dring, and Fuller, C. S. "We dissent to the freedom of Dean Swift.-Danl. Engain, Joseph Austin, Augustus Carree." 19 Feb., 1736. Whereas £16 198. was ordered 26 July last to be paid to Hignett Keeling, but on examining we find an error of 48., ordered, that he be paid £16 158. Ald. Austin having produced a plan of a Meat Market to be built oppo- site Shandon Church, we approve of said plan, and that Mr. Mayor, Sher. Crone and Bradshaw, Ald. Austin and Jackson do direct the building and the C. S., and £100 be paid said overseers. That Mr. Carree, Dring, and Engain do examine Mr. Maunsell's accounts in relation to Bretridge's and Skiddy's Hospitals. Present-1\fr.l\fayor, Sher. Crone and Bradshaw; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Cramer, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Fuller, Jackson; Mr. Carree, Engain, Baldwin, and Fuller, C. S. 26 Feb., 1736. Whereas there has been a dispute between the Corporation and Mr. Richd. Harrison as to the quantity of ground agreed to be set him before S. Paul's Church, it was this day proposed that said Harrison was willing to surrender his right and interest in said ground to be set him, ordered, that his surrender be accepted.

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