Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



petitioned for his expenses and trouble in taking up carrion, nnd cheap beef, anc.l blown mutton, and venl, ordered, that he be paid £10 fur his trouble. That the l\Iayor do aillx the Corporation seal to a recommendation to the Commissioners of Oyer anc.l Terminer, desiring they will recommend Mr. 'Vm. Hawkins, Jun., as an ol,ject of mercy. That l\Ir. l\Iayor, both Sherifls, Ald. Knapp nntl Austin do measru·e tho waste ground ,opposite Shandon Church aut! report if it be a fit place to build a l\Ieat l!arket. That Mr. l!ayor, both Sheriffs, Ald. Knapp, Austin, lfr., ancl Daldwin do view the Channel between the house l\Ir. 8tep11Cn lia.zick lately livec.l in and Thos. Daunt's house, anc.l report whether it woulJ bu a fit place to turn an arch to build a },ishmarket thereon. That the widow of \Vm. Clarke be paid .£4 3s. 7d. for three silver boxes ,- for the freedoms of Judge Linsey, Cmur. l:iggs, and the Bp. of Corke. John Plance having petitioneti for a lease of some grounc.l outsi(lu tho Town walls, ordered, that Ald. Cramer, Croker, Pembrock, anc.l l\Ir. Carrcu do measure said ground, and re1wrt. Presentr-l!r. liayor, Sher. Crone ancl llrntlshaw; Alden. KnaJ,p, Cramer, Austin, Croker, Pembrock; l\Ir. Carrce, Travers, anc.l llaldwin. 5 Jan., 1736. The Governors of the Workhouse having this day given in a memorial praying a grant of a proper piece of ground for Luilc.ling a Workhouse and the support of foundlings, having cobsidered tho same, we are of O})inion that the ground between Lady's 'Veil bridge and Youghal Road bridge that belongs to this Corporation would be convenient, ordered, that said brround be measured and a plan made by Ald. Croker laid before this board, and as much ground as will be sufficient shall be set by lease for ever for that purpose to the Governors for the time being, in trust, at a peppercorn pc. r annum, if demnnded. That the Mayor's Sallary this year be augmented .£200. Presentr-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Bradshaw; Alden. Knapp, Hoare, .Allyn, Morley, Bennett, Cramer, Austin, Millerd, Huleat, Croker, Fuller, Jackson; Mr. Carree, Engain, Dring, Baldwin, and Fuller, C. S. --

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