Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



ordered, that the Chamberlain do pay £100 towards making said outlet, ......__ when said work is finished, provideJ two coaches may go abreast commo- diously at the time of high water from tlw East end of Lavitt's building to the Sand Quay, near Glanmire. Present-Mr. ~fayor, Sher. Fuller and Browne ; Alden. Morley, Bennett, Atkins, Austen, Huleat, Croker, Pembrock, Fuller; Mr. Carree, Engain, Baldwin, Fuller, C. S. 13 Sep., 1736. It has been the constant practice, when any affair was proposed to the Council it was adjourned to next Council. Ordered, that said practice continue, and when any affair is first proposed, if any one member seconded by another desires the debate to be adjourned, it be adjourned, provided said Council be not held within eight days after, the Mayor to signify that the affair is to be considered. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fuller and Browne; Alden. Knapp, Allyn, Morley, Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleat, Croker, Pembrock, Fuller, Mr. Carre, Engain, Dring, Baldwin, Fuller, C. S.

18 Oct., 1736. Thomas Farren, Esq., Mayor. Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Crone and Bradshaw sworn Council men.

Pre~ent-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Crone and Bradshaw; Alden. Morley, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Fuller, Jackson ; Mr. Owgan, Engain, Travers, and Fuller, C. S. 30 Oct., 1736. That Ald. Edmond Knapp be paid £200 expended in defending the rights of the ~1ayor, &c. Present-Mr. ~1ayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Morley, Atkins, Croker, Huleat, Austin, Perubrock, Fuller; Mr. Owgan, Travers, Dring, Baldwin, C. S. (postea), Mr. En gain. 2 Dec., 1736. Richard Daniel, late Master of the Society of Victuallers, having

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