"I do dissent from the above onler for paving the streets by the tln.y labour, because I am convinced that the CurporJ.tion would save a great tleal of money in a;;,rreeing with workmen to pave tho streets at 3d. tho yarJ, antl saiJ workmen to keep it in repair fur 21 years at £20 per annum,, to be paitl half yearly.-Augustus CaiTc." 26 July, 1736. 1\lr. Jehoshaphat Huleat having given iu his account, &c., that he expended £11 16s. 8 ~d. for the use of the CurpurJ.tiou, also .£j 8lf. 4<l. fur coals fur same ; ordered that they be paill That £15 be expended on an entertainment at Blackruck Castle, on such ~ay as the Mayor shall appoint. That £16 IUs. he paiJ llignett Kealing, ballance fur an entertainment given at the Council Chamber, 10 .May last, on the oath of Kealiug. On the petition of Thos. '"'ooJ, tanner, to recouunend his son Ueorctio to 1\Ir. 'Yorth for an exhibition, ortlered that he he recommended. That AlJ. Fuller's bill for printing, £1 5ll. :~d., bt• raitl him. That AlJ. Austin's bill, £12 5s. 5d. for liveries, fur two Eluo Coats ami Exchange porter, be pa.iJ him. That Thos. Daunt's bill, £1 3s. 3d. for work Jone, be paiJ him. That .Mr. Thus. Cm·ker's bill, £19 2s. for a largo looking-glass fur tho Council C.hamber antl 12s. freight, be paid him. That John Richardson, having served John llare, l>e admitted free. That Hugh, son of AIJ. :Millertl, having served his father, Lo adinittetl free. That John Browne, having ser;ed Thos. Browne, one of tho Sheriff.~, Le admitted free. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, Sher. Fuller and Browne ; Aldt·n. l.lillerd, Austin, Croker, Fuller; Mr. Carree, Engain, Dring, Baldwin autl Fuller, C. S.. 29 July, 1736. The Comm~n Speaker Swome in the Council as C. S. Whereas several Freemen petitioned for an encouragement for making a beautiful outlet for wheel carriages on the North Strand to the Sand Quay, near Glanmhe, and we having this day taken said petitioa into consideration,
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