Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



14 jJay, 1736. That Mr. Hoare attend Councillor Bennett with a fee to draw up an address to His MajY. to congratulate him on the nuptials of the Prince of 'Vales and Princess Saxe Gotha. It appearing the streets are greatly out of repair and also the pavement of the Bridges, ordered, that the Streets and Bridges be new paved, and that the Mayor receive proposals for new paving and keeping them in repair for 21 years. That Sheriffs Fuller and Browne, C. S., Mr. Carre, Engain, Dring, and Baldwin examine all the officer's accounts employed by this Corporation, and that they shall be allowed 5s. 5d. for a refreshment each day they shall meet to examine their accounts. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fuller and Browne; Alden. Morley; Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Croker, Fuller; Mr. Carree and Engain. 17 May, 1736. That the Right Revd. Robt. Lord Bishop of Corke And Ross be presented )( with lais freedom in a handsome silver box, and that Mr. Hoare do wait on him with it. That Ald. Austin and the C. S. do give directions for rebuilding the Fishambles, and to lengthen said market eastward. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Browne; Alden. Morley, Bennett, · Cramer, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Fuller; Mr. Carree, Engaine, Dring, Baldwin and Yeamans, C. S. 3 June, 1736. That £8 16s. be paid Ald. Atkins for eleven ba.ITels of ale given the army the Queen's birthday and the nuptials of the Prince of Wales. That the Streets from the grate out of North Gate to the grate out of South Gate be paved by day labour, and Mr. J. Huleatt do employ Tho. Clements and such other as the Mayor may direct. That Jo. Huleatt put the house in Fishamble lane in repair that belongs to this Corporation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fuller; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Croker, Pembrock; Mr. CaiTe, En gain, Owgan, Travers, Dring, Baldwin and Yea- mans, C. S. •

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