who should take place in the Council, referred to the Recorder, the Charter anJ Council Books to Le laid before him with a fee. Present-Yr. :\layor, Sher. },uller antl Drowne; Reconler ; Ald 0 ". Morley, Bennett, Cramer, llillcrJ, Austin, l[uleatt, Croker, Fuller; llr. Came, Dring. 20 Ft:b., 17:;:;. The Bakers' Bye Laws were approved of and referred to C. n. H. That l\Ioses Allenett, having ser;ed Jacob Lullic, Le admitted free. Present-Mr. :\Iayor, Sher. Fuller awl Browne; Ald~n. 1Ioare, Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, J[uleatt, Croker, J>emLrock; l[r. Came, Dring, and Yeamans, C. S. 23 Ft·l,., 17:t;. To the worsl1ipfull the llaior, &c. The humble Petition of Henicrze Drowne, a minor. "Tlmt James Browne, who was liaster of S. Stephen's 1los1'ital, wa~ n1arried to Ann Tienierze, with whom he received .£500, in consideration thereof he made a settlement of .£GO J>el· annum. on said Ann and tho issue of said marriage. They are hoth tlt·ad, ami the only issue is Henierze Browne. That said James was greatly incumbered at his death by mort- gages, &c., the Trustees ha,ing neglected to require the settlement l~eforo the debts were contracted, the lands in the settlement are liahle to sai<l Mortgages and Judgements. That said J as. Browne by his 'Vill appoin~'l said Renierze his sole executor and 'Vill :X ewenluun, Es11-. Guardian an'l Executor to said Ren. Browne till he came of age, who administered ancl applied the personal Estate of said J as. Browne, as far aa it would go, to discharge the Judgements, anll there remains only some fee fanne Leases amounting if set to about .£200 per annum, subject to .£!)4 per annum landlord's rent, .£20 per annum during the life of Charles Uenierze, and .£225 principal, besides interest, for which said Jas. Browne gave a mort- gage to Ald. Poye, when Mayor, for the use of the Corporation, £100 to John Willis by Mortgage, besides interest, £50 to Gary by Judgement and Mortgage, and .£115 to the assignee of Ronaine by Judgement, besides interest, which remain a charge on said fee farme leases. 70
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