Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



your coal tax will revert to·you for the annual sttpport and maintenance of the poor and the foundlings that are ready to be disposed of in it. I shall look upon it as a particular honour conferred upon me by the Citty of Corke to receive any mark of your con.fidenee and esteem at my first entrance upon the Bishoprick, and can sincerely promise it shall meet with a very grateful heart in return for it. I recommend you and your Councils to the Divine protection, who am, Gent., YolU' Most <:lbed. Humble Sert., "-RoB. CoRKE.

" Directed to the Mayor, Sheriffs, an<f. Commonalty of the City of Cerke.~"

u.. Dublin, Dec. 20, 1735.

"Sir ' " I am infinitely obliged to- you and· the gentlemen of Cork.e for their kind compliance with my first request. The pleasure which it gives me does not only arise from having obtained this favour tow.ards building our Cathedral., but·it earnest of your good correspondence and under- standing, which will, I hoJ>e, daily increase between us, and.- which is only allaied by the dread I have least some of those gentlemen who did not think so.favourably of my request should gro~ warni by the opposition that was made to their designs. "For my o.wn pa.:vt I desire you will accept of my most sincere thanks in particular, and that you will return my most grateful ackn·owledgment to all those gentlemen who were so good as to incline· request, and that you will assure·all those whom I had the misfortune of disagreeing with that they partake of my sincere and my hear.ty good wishes ; far be it from me to confine my affections to those only who a.gree in sentiment with me, they have a right, indeed, to my first and warmesn friendship~ bu.t I hope I shall never exclude those frQm a share: in my well "Wishes who differ most widely in opinion from me ;. nothing but vice,. I trust in God, shall ever make me have a distaste to any man, but in this case the opposition arose from their love to so amiable and so valuable-a design, that I should be concerned it was carried against them, were I not in great hopes that by God's assistance they will find that the regard which has .been paid to the service of God will greatly contribute to, the furtherance of their own. designes. I am told that one objection made to my request,.that unless.

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