Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

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Hoare do send to the Recorder a copy of the foregoing order and desire his opinion with method to put the said resolution in force. That £8 be paid to Ald. Atkins for beer for the army, 30 Oct. and 5 Nov. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fuller ancl Browne; Alden. Hoare, Bennett Atkins, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Croker, Fuller ; Mr. Carree, Engain, and Dring. 13 :Nov., 1735. Whereas it is apprehended that a reduction of the Gold coin is dusigned, we are of opinion that it will be of the utmost prejudice to the kingdom in general, for all our country goods must inevitably fall in proportion to the reduction, besides, it will certainly carry away all our gold and prevent any more being brought to us, and think that the rising of Silver in proportion to what it is worth among our neighbours, which is about 41 to 5 11er cent. more than it is at present current here, will remedy the evil complained of. A mint to coin halfpence and farthings in this kingdom would be of very great advantage; we desire Mr. Mayor to communicate this resolution to out· representatives. That the Revd. 1\fr. John Baily be paid 5 guineas for five sermons, in- cluding 5 Nov. That Mr. Mayor give instruction to our representatives to apply for an act of parliament to lay a duty of twelve pence per ton on coals imported into this City in order to erect a Work House to imploy the Poor in the Citty of Corke, also for the support of Foundlings under the inspection of the Mayor, &c., and also a clause in said act to regulate the chairs and cars for hire. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fuller; Alden. Allin, 1\forley, Bennett, Bro- clesby, Cramer, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Fuller ; Mr. Aug. Carree, Baldwin, c. s. 18 1r ov., 1735. Our Representatives having enclosed to Mr. Mayor four Schemes which were handed about in Dublin for reducing the value of gold coin, which we think would be prejudicial, and there being a pamphlet entitled '' A Scheme of the Money Matters of Ireland," Printed in Dublin 1729, which we look upon in a great measure to answer said scheme, and d9Sire that our G!J

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