Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Mr. lfayor, Mr. Recorder, Sher. Farren and Dela.hoide; Ald 00 • Morley, Bennett, Atkins, llilleru, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Pembrock; J.!r. Engaine, Carree, Owgan, Jackson, Dring and Baldwin. 20 Sep., 1735. Whereas Robt. Travers was duly elected ~fayor, 7 July last, and certificate thereof sent up, which was approved of on 16 inst. I:obt. Hoare wrote to said Mr. Robt. Travers that the avprobation was come, which he sent by a messenger, who the next day returned without an answer in writing, but was directed to say that llr. Travers would be in ~wn the day after, but diu not come to town ; and on 19 inst. l!r. Richd. Daxon waited on Mr. Mayor with a letter directed to him, and signed Robt. Travers, in words fol- lowing, viz. : "Corke, Sep.17, 1735. Sir,-My private affairs wont suffer me to apply as much of my time to the service of the public as the office of the Chief Magistrate of this Citty requires; Therefore, in justice to them, must decline the execution of that office the ensueing year, and give you this notice, that you may proceed to a new election when you think prover, and am, sir, your most humble servt. Had the approbation come down sooner (I) would have given earlier notice." The question being put, whether the election of Mayor be brought on this day or postponed, and there being 16 members present, it was the opinion of 14 that the election should be at 12 o'clock this day, pursuant to the notice of posting yesterday ; and that 1\Ir. Recorder will write to the Lords' Justices, to desire they will dispatch the approbation, and that he will send an express with the certificate of election. Present-Mr. J.Iayor, Mr. Recorder, two Sheriffs; Alden. Allen, Morley, Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Pembrock; Mr. Carre, Engaine, Owgan, Jackson, Yearnans, C. S.

13 Oct., 1735. Ambrose Jackson, Esq., Mayor.

Sheriffs Fuller and Browne were sworn Council men during their office. llr. Harper and Partners in the Sugar House near South Gate, having petitioned, setting forth that the foundation of their premises has given way, which greatly endangers the building, and pray that they may have

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