and that the wine in the custody of Mr. Huleatt, or part thereof, be gtven for said entertainment. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor Elect, Sher. Farren; Alden. Morley, Bro- clesby, Bennett, Atkins, Huleatt, Croker, Pemhrock; l\1r. Carree, Engain, and Jackson. 10 Sep., 1735. Whereas the lease formerly set by the Corporation to Mr. Abraham Morris, dec., of some ground and houses in this Citty, and his term being expired, Mr. Jonas Devonshire, rep. to said Morris, appeared and declared he was ready to attend such members as should be appointed to measure said pre- mises, and would pay the arrear of rent due thereout. Ordered, that Sher. Farren, Delahoide, Ald. Huleatt, C. S., and Mr. J ehos. Huleatt do meet said Jonas Devonshire to see said premises measured as held by lease, and that the order of 25 May, 1734, be put in force by building a wall on said premises. Whereas the expenses at Blackrock amounted to £6 16s. 6d., ordered, that it be paid to Mr. Stephen Mazick, also a guinea to Delamore for his boat. That Mr. Robt. Price's bill for tar barrels, frotn Sept., 1733, to 11 June, 1735, £5 11s., be paid. Mr. John Plaince having petitioned for leave to carry a slip formerly held by Ald. Cramer nine feet in breadth broader than it now is, ordered, that he have leave, accepting a lease from this Corporation at 5s. per annum, for such term as they think fit. That £1 3s. be paid Mr. Danl. Crone for a book he bought when Common Speaker. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, Sher. Farren and Delahoide; Alden. Morley, Hawkins, Bennett, Broclesby, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker; Mr. Engaine, Carree and Baldwin. 16 Sep., 1735. Mr. Recorder proposed, in regard the Ballast Act is not approved of by the Corporation, that they should apply to their Representatives to have said Act repealed, and that he was ready to use his endeavours, which proposal we take time to consider of.
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