Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That the Right Ron. EJwd. Riggs, one· of the Commanderd, be presented with his freedom in a silver box to be prepared by Ald. Cramer. That Ald. Austin, Sher. Farren and Delahoide, Mr. Carree, Dring, and C. S. do examine the Chamberlain's accounts. That Ald. Austin's bill of £14 9s. .6d. for cloathing for the Blue Coats, Exchange Porter, and a gown for the Swordbearer be paid him. That the Cove Post do furnish Mr. Mayor with an account of the Ships that sail and arrive as constantly as he does the Uustom House, and to have £1 3s. per annum for his trouble. That Mr. Sheriff Farren and Delahoide and Mr. Carro do order the Citty engine to be put in order, and Mr. Carree's Engine which he has given for the Citty's use, and to consider of a method to make them more useful, and that Mr. Carree have the thanks of this Board for the gift of said Engine, and deserves the thanks of the Citty in general


Ald•a. Morley, Owgan Drinfr ' o•

Present - Mr. }.fayor, Sher. },arren and Delahoide ; Bennett, Millerd, Cramer, Austin, Croker ; Mr. Carree, Farren, C. S.

14 July, 1735.

That Mr. D. Engain do settle the accounts of Jas. Browne, dec., and Mr. Wallis 3.ocrainst next Council. The premises lately held by Col George Rye being out of lease, ordered, that they be forthwith posted to be canted 12 .Aug. next, and that Col Hye have notice. Present-Mr. lfayor, Sheriff Farren and Delahoide; Ald•n. Broclesby, Millerd, .Austin, Huleatt, Pembrock; lfr. Carre, Dring and Baldwin. 16 .Aug., 1735. That the liayor, lfayor Elect, one of the Sheriff!, Ald. Bennett, Cramer, Pembrock, Mr. Jackson, and C. S. do view the place near Plance holilings, and report whether said Plance, without inconveniency to the River, can make a quay adjoining his tenancy on the South river, and what annual consider- ation would be reasonable for such licence. That £5 be expended at Blackrock Castle for an entertainment to hold . _ [ a Court of Conservation of the river, and that Mr. Mayor bespeak same, f

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