Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


1(3 Dec., 1734 "rhereas there has been of late several robherics committed in tho streets aiHl suburhs of this Citty, ordered, that the snm of ten ponmls be pai(l for every street rubber or rubber in the snlmrbs, to any person who, within six mouths from the date hereof, detect, take, or convict any one of said robbers. This order to be proclaimed by the 1\Ia.yor. That the Rev<i. 1\Ir. John llaily be paid £2 Gs. for two Sermons, viz.P- 23 Oct. and 5 Nov. That £10 be paid to the 1\Iayor, &c., to be di3trilmted as they sha.Il think· fit to those who were active in taking several disorderly people who disturbcu the peace of this City. That Ald. Atkins, Croker, 1tlr. Carrie and C. S. uo examine the Water- bailiff's accounts, and report. That Alu. Austin, Sher. Farren anu Delahoiue, and C. S. uo examine tho Chamberlain's accounts, anu report. "That 1\fr. Owgan and 1\Ir. Bousfield be atlued to those appointed to examine Mr. Martin's account. That 1\fr. Carrie and RoUt. Dring do s~ttle 1\Ir. 1\Ia.unsell's account for Skiddy's and Bretridge's Hospital, from 30 Nov., 1733, to 30 Nov., 1734, and report. That Mr. Christopher Swift and Mr. Hugh Winter be made free of this City, on account of their services done to the trade thereof. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Farren and Delahoidc; Ald•n. Terry, Bro- clesby, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker ; Mr. Carrie, Engain, },a.rren, C. S. 30 Dec., 1734. Ordered, that for the future no person be admitted free of this City. Present-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Farren and Delahoide; Ald•n. Hoare, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Atkins, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker; Mr. Carrie, Engain, Jackson, Travers. 26 Feb., 1734. That Mr. Rob'. Hoare's bill of .£4 8s., for the approbation of the present Mayor, &c., be paid. 68-2


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