That John Love, Esq., Collector of this City, be presented with his free- dom. That Robt. Lindsey, Esq., one of the Justices of Common Pleas, be pre- sented with his freedom in a Silver box, being one of the coming J uuges of Assize. That Stephen, eldest son of Benj. Winthrop, be presented with his free- dom. That Mr. R. Hoare do oblige 1\Ir. Purdon to speed his cause so that tho injunction he obtained may he dissolveu. That £8 be expended at Blackrock Castle, 1 Aug., for an entertainment f in order to holu a court for the conservation of the river, and that Ald. Ben- net, Morley, and Croker do bespeak the same. That the Captain of the Halberdiers be paid £4 his year's sallary due 20 April last. That Mr. Mayor is empowered to take Tho. Burnett's bond for the toll of the Market, to be paid quarterly. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Dring and Lavit; Alden. Allen, 1\Iorley, Terry, Broclesby, Cramer, Austen, Croker; 1\Ir. Carye, Jackson, Farren, C. S. 24 July, 1734. That John Lawton, having served Benj. Lawton, be admitted free. That Stearne Tuckey, having served 1\Ir. Savage French, be admitted free. That Mr. Francis Austin's bill of £4 18s. 1d. for clothes and making for John Batty, porter of the Exchange and Blue Coats, be paicl. That the pannell of freemen of this Citty shall be new regulated by the Town Clerk or his Deputy. That is to say : That all the Aldermen shall be nominated next to the Mayor, Recorder and Sheriffs, according to their seniority; next, all Burgesses of the Council, according to their seniority; next, all the other Burgesses of the Citty ; next, all the Lords, according to their degree ; next, all such as are Judges of the Land ; next, all Baronets and Knights; next, all the Esquires as they have or shall be made free; next, all the Clergy, viz., Deans, Archdeacons and Clerks ; and lastly, all l-Ierchants, Gentlemen, Shopkeepers and tradesmen to be put on, and nomi- nated on the pannel, to be called over on all Elections, according to their being admitted and made freemen. This to be a standing rule for the future.
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