24 A 1n·il, 1734. 'Vlwreas William Supple, Esq., puLlickly insulted Tho. PP-mLrock on the Hench in the execution of his office as one of the J udg~s of Assize for City of Corke, ordered, that Mr. RoV. Hoare do fee lawyers to prosecute said Supple. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Dring; AlJcn. Knapp, Delahoitle, Allen, Terry, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker; 1\fr. Fuller, Carrye, Owgan, Jackson, . Crone, C. S.
20 },fay, 1734. Mr. Robert Travers sworn a member of the Council.
That £35 be paid to Thomas Davies, Vintner, on part of an entertainment, \- 23 1\farch, to celebrate the nuptials of II. R. 11. with the Serene Jlriuce of 1 Orange. That £6 9s. be paid to Daniel I)revnan, Esq., for the English news tlue 7 March. That Ald. Bennett, Mr. Sheriff Dring, Mr. Carrie, Jackson, and C. S. be overseers for erecting the Dragon, &c., on the cupola of tlus Exchange. That Richard Ryland, of Dungarvan, Esq., be admitted free. That £5 be paid Honora, widow of John Carpenter, lately killed in a riot committed in this City, being charity to a poor widdow and her two orphans. Present-Mr. Mayor, R Dring and ,V, Lavit, Sheriffs; Ald 00 • Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, 1\Iillerd, Croker ; Mr. Carrie, Engain, Owgan, Jackson, Travers, Crone, C. S. 25 lllay, 1734. That lfr. John 1\launsell pay the ballance in his hands, being £336 138. 6!d., to 30 Nov., 1733, on account of Bretridge's and Skiddy's Hospitals, as followeth : To the Green Coat Hospital, £119 148. 8 2d., to be paid to lfr. Deane, Warden, and to l!r. Jos. Francklyn; £108 188. 10d.·to be ap- plied to pay off some bond to augment the sinking fund; and al~o to 1\fr. Jos. Francklyn, £108 to be applied to the use of S. Stephen's Hospital, a~ the Council shall ilirect. That David Glass and John Blanchet be paid £15 to be divi(lecl between 67-2
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