530 TilE PERSONS CONCERNED IN THE LATE RIOT TO BE PROSECUTED. . J 7 Jan., 1733. -,... That Nathl. Smith have £3 for repairing the Fire Engine. That wm. Hare be paid £13 3s. l!d. for candles from Oct., 1731, to Sep., 1732; also, £12 14s. 5d. from Oct., 1732, to Sep., 1733. _ 1 That Rob'. Hoare be paid £4 Ss. for the Mayor and Sheriffs' approbation. .'f :_ That Wm. Clark's, dec., bill for four Silver boxes for the freedom of John Croker, Esq., Comr. Thompson, Coil. Wentworth, and Bp. of Cloyne, £4 18s., be paid to his widow. That Mr. Fra. Austin's bill for £5 6s. 4d. for clothes for the Blue Coats be paid. That Ald. Cramer, Mr. Sher. Dring, Mr. Jackson, and Com. Speaker do examine Ald. Croker's accounts for collecting the gateage. That for the time to come all members of the Council and others shall withdraw when anything relating to them is laid before the Council. That. Mr. Robt. Hoare apply to Mr. Wm. Masters for a debt due to Bre- tridge's Hospital, and report. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Dring ; Alden. Delahoide, Allen, Terry, Cramer, Millerd, Austin; Mr. Carye, Owgan, t.T ackson, and Crone, C. S. 23 March, 1733. That £25 be laid out for an entertainment upon rece1v1ng an account of the Prince of Orange being married to the Princess Royal, and that Ald. Morley, Bennett, Austin, and Sher. Dring do bespeak said entertainment. Ald. Austin's lease of 60 feet in front, at the North East end of a parcel of ground before the Old Barracks, at £12 lOs. for 199 years being ap- proved of, ordered, that the lease be perfected. That Ald. Knapp be paid £14 7s. 6d. for cleaning the streets for half a year and six weeks. That Mr. Robt. Hoare do receive Mr. Mayor's directions to fee such law- yers as he shall direct to prosecute the per~ons that were ·concerned in the rescue and riot of Shute and other rioters, at the expense of the Corporation. That Thomas Keating, being much reduced and superannuated, have £3 per annum, paid quarterly. That Mr. Stephen Hopkins, having served Ald. Morley, be admitted free. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Dring; Alden. Morley, Terry, Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, Austin; Mr. Engain, Owga.n, Jackson.
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