Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


26 Sep., 1733. That Ald. Cramer and Atkins do enlarge the passage joining Webber's holdings at the East end of the South Gaol for a cart to pass to the com- mon quay. That the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Com. Speaker do perfect a bond for £100 to the Minister and Church Wardens of Christ Church, at 5 per cent., for the poor of said parish, upon Revd. Mr. Bayly's paying said sum to Cham- berlain. That Mr. John Croker's bill of cost, amounting to £19 19s., for law busi- nes_s in several causes, be paid. That Ald. Austin's bill for printing, &c., when he was Mayor, £714s.10d., be paid. That Mr. Robt. Hoare's bill of costs, £31 6s. 6d., for several law suits, be paid. That Mr. Russell Wood's bill of costs, £19 7s. 6d., be paid. - That the Drummer that was hurt at the time of the riot when Sheriff Newman was assaulted be paid 11s. 6d. That Francis, eldest son of Francis Bernard, Esq., dec., be admitted free. That Mr. Wm. Owgan be paid £20 for lodging Gen. McCartney and seve- ral Captains of the Men of War, at several times, to be referred to C. D. H. and my_Lord Shannon's return. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect; Alden. Delahoide, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Austin, Sher. Newenham ; Mr. Engain, Owgan, Jackson, and Crone, C. S.

10 Oct., 1733. Thomas Pembrock, Esq., Mayor.

Sheriff Lavit sworn Councilman of this City. That M.r. Miles Martin be removed from the employment of receiving the Custom and Gateage of this Ci~y, and Ald. Saml. Croker to succeed him from Tuesday next, the 25 inst. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lavit; Alden. Delahoide, Morley, Bennett, Cramer, Broclesby, Atkins, Aust~ Millerd, Huleatt, Croker; Mr. Fuller, Engain, Jackson, Crone~ C. S., Ald. Allen, Mr. Owgan.

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