That Mr. J ehoshaphat Huleatt view the Town Walls and report how much are pulled down, and by whom. That the Charter be examined to see whether this Corporation have a power to appoint fairs, if not that there should be an application for a patent of two fairs at the Lough. That Edward Tompson, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the Revenue, be presented with his freedom in a Silver Box. That the Widdow Eason's bill for tar barrels for rejoicing days from 1 March, 1732, to 11 June, 1733, £3, be paid her. That 12 shillings be paid Ald. Huleatt, so much due to a woman for a room for a constables watch out of Southgate. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Newman; Alden. Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt; Mr. Carie, Engaine, Pembrock, Jackson, Bousfield, C. S. 18 June, 1733. That Thomas Burnett be admitted as Farmer of the Tolls in the Corn Market for one year at the rate of £44, H. C. [sic.], giving Security for said rent. Complaint hath been made to this Council that the Inhabitants of the South end of this City are greatly aggrieved for want of fresh water in the South Channel ; ordered, that Ald. Cramer, Mr. Fuller, Carrie, Swithen White, Delacourt, Savage French, and Dr. Tuckey do inspect into the cause of the obstruction of said fresh water, and how a convenient quantity of water may be turned into the South Channel, and report. That the following leases be taken out of the Chest by the Mayor, to be inspected by him, Ald. Morley, Austin, the Sheriff, and Com. Speaker, Mr. Carrie and Owgan, viz., No. 4, 12, 15, 35, 36, 38, 32, 43, in all eight leases, to be returned after inspection. Present-Mr. Mayor, R. Delahoide, E. Hoare; Alden. Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Austin; Sher. Newman; Mr. Fuller, Carrie, Owgan, Jackson, Engain, Bousfield, C. S. 27 June, 1733. That £1110s. be paid Ald. Knapp, half year cleaning the streets. That the Capt. of the Halberdiers be paid £4, due 20 April last.
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