to enclose. The same report that the enclosing said slob or strand will be of no disadvantage to the river; ordered, that Mr. Barrett may enclose said strand, paying 5 shill per annum, and permitting all vessels and boats that have occasion to fasten on by the wall or quay, that said committee do stake out said strand, and that a 1\Iap thereof be made at the expense of Mr. Barrett, and a lease to said Barrett for 999 years, map to be affixed to the lease. That Ald. Cramer, Mr. Fuller, Owgan, and Com. Speaker view the ground at Gallows Green that Mr. Ebenezer Pike is going to make his bounds, and report. That £4 be paid Ald. Cramer for 5 barrels of beer given the army 1 March, being Queen's birth day. That Mr. Jehoshaphat Huleatt be appointed Surveyor of the public work of this City, and have £20 per annum. That the suit commenced by Spillane and other journeymen Coopers against the Master and Wardens of said Company be defended by the Cor- poration, 1\Ir. Hoare to take care of suit. Present--1\Ir. 1\fayor, Sher. Newman ; Alden. Terry, Cramer, Austin, Huleatt; Mr. Fuller, Engaine, Pembrock, Bousfield, C. S., and Mr. Owgan. 31 May, 1733. That Ald. Bennett, Millerd, and Mr. Carie do examine the Chamberlain's accounts. That £11 lOs. be paid Ald. Knapp for cle~ning the streets half a year. That Mr. Mayor advertise for proposals for cleaning the streets from 29 Sep. next. Mem. The Council broke up before signing foregoing orders.-Rob. Hoare, C. C. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Newman; Alden. Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Millerd, Austin ; Mr. Carre, Engaiu, Owgan, Bous- field, c. s. 2 Jum, 1733. Ordered, that Ald. Bennett, Millerd, and Mr. Carie do examine the Chamberlain's accounts. That .£11 1 Os. be paid Ald. Knapp for six months cleaning the streets. liG-2
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