Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Mem. A Council was summoned to meet 10 Feb., 1732, but none ap- pered but the persons u~derwritten at 12 o'clock at noon. Mr. l\1ayor, Sher. Newenham ; Alden. Cramer, Milleru, Austin; Mr. En- gaine, Owgan, Jackson, Bousfield, Common Speaker, Mr. Carry e.

12 Feb., 1732. That Robert Maynaru, Esq., be admitted a freeman at large.

That £150 be taken up from Deane \Vard, at 5 per cent., being the poor- money of the Parish of S. Mary Shandon, and paid to l\1r. Peeke to dis- charge a bond due from the Corporation to said Peek, and that the Mayor, &c., do perfect a bond for said sum to the Minister and Church Waruens of said parish. That a lot of 60 feet of ground fronting the High Street, on the north- east end, part of the ground belonging to the Corporation, near the Barracks, be set by public cant for 99 years, to commence 25 March next. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Newenham ; Alden. Terry, French, Bennett, Austin, Millerd, Cramer, Morley; Mr. Pembrock, Jackson, Engaine, and Bousfield, Common Speaker (postea), Ald. Allen. 21 Feb., 1732. That Ald. Huleatt's bill for fees to lawyers, printing, &c., .£14 12s., when he was Mayor, be paid. That Sher. Newenham, Ald. Huleatt, and Mr. Owgan do apply to Richard Harrison to execute leases of the ground nearS. Paul's Church, according to his agreement, and report. Whereas the walls built near the bridge at Waters Mills, by Mr. Rich d. Broclesby, having been submitted to the Mayor and Council, it is our opinion that Mr. Broclesby should remove said walls and leave the ground open as formerly. That Ald. Bennett, Austin, SheriffNewenham, and Mr. Carrie do enquire into a legacy left by Mr. Harris, for a Mathematical Doctor [sic]. Present-Yr. Mayor, Sher. Newenham ; Alden. Morley, Terry, Bennett, Millerd, Huleatt; l\Ir. Carey, Engain, Pembrock, Owgan, Jackson, and Bousfield, Common Speaker. X

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